
War & Conflict

  • Changing of the guard at Defense Department and CIA
    CIA director Leon Panetta is scheduled to become Defense Secretary in July, replacing Robert Gates. What will it mean for the conduct of the wars the U.S. is currently engaged in, and how should the Gates era be rated?Midday, April 28, 2011
  • Flags to fly at half-staff for fallen MN soldier
    Gov. Mark Dayton has ordered flags flown at half-staff at Minnesota state and federal buildings Thursday in honor of Army Spec. Joseph Alan Kennedy of St. Paul.April 28, 2011
  • A brief commentary on the royal wedding
    There might be more to say, but why bother?April 28, 2011
  • UN and EU condemning violent crackdown in Syria
    A former NATO ambassador joins Midday to discuss Syria's violent crackdown on anti-government protestors and the ongoing violence in Libya. What is the future of the pro-democracy uprisings in the middle east?Midday, April 27, 2011
  • AP sources: Panetta to Pentagon, Petraeus to CIA
    Administration sources say President Barack Obama plans this week to name CIA Director Leon Panetta to replace Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and Gen. David Petraeus, now running the war in Afghanistan, would take the CIA chief's job.April 27, 2011
  • Iran's power play in the Middle East
    With regimes falling or in flux in the Middle East, Iran stands to benefit from the instability. "Tehran Rising: Persian Power in an Unstable Region" is a new documentary from American Abroad looking at how Iran is extending its influence in the region in the wake of regime change.Midday, April 26, 2011
  • More gunfire, arrests reported in Syrian crackdown
    Despite a ruthless crackdown on pro-reform demonstrators, there is no international appetite for a warlike approach to Syria - a crucial Mideast playmaker with ties to Iran and a say in any eventual Arab peace with Israel.April 26, 2011
  • Syria uses army to crush revolt; at least 11 dead
    In a terrifying escalation of Syria's crackdown on dissent, thousands of soldiers backed by tanks poured Monday into the city where the uprising began, opening fire indiscriminately on civilians and killing at least 11 people, witnesses said.April 25, 2011
  • Detainees transferred or freed despite 'high risk'
    Secret documents released Sunday show that military analysts sometimes found it difficult to determine whether those held in the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay were truly dangerous.April 25, 2011
  • Strike damages Gadhafi's compound
    NATO airstrikes today targeting the center of Moammar Gadhafi's seat of power destroyed a library and office in his Tripoli compound.April 25, 2011
  • Military documents detail life at Guantanamo
    Thousands of pages of secret military reports obtained by The New York Times and shared with NPR put a name, a history and a face on some of the hundreds of men held at the detention camp.April 25, 2011
  • Gadhafi unleashes rocket barrage on rebel city
    Moammar Gadhafi's forces unleashed a barrage of shells and rockets at Misrata on Sunday in an especially bloody weekend, countering Libyan government claims that the army was holding its fire into the western city.April 24, 2011
  • Pawlenty calls for a tougher stance against Syria
    The likely presidential candidate also pressed President Obama to seek a formal condemnation from the United Nations Security Council.April 22, 2011
  • McCain lauds anti-Gadhafi force during Libya visit
    U.S. Sen. John McCain praised Libya's rebels as his "heroes" in a visit to their de facto capital Friday, a day after the United States started flying armed drones to bolster NATO firepower and try to break a battlefield stalemate with Moammar Gadhafi's forces.April 22, 2011
  • 'Arab Spring' issues a challenge to Americans, as well
    We've learned much in 200 years. Now is the time to share the best of it.April 22, 2011

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