
War & Conflict

  • President Obama speaks on the end of the Iraq War
    President Barack Obama will commemorate the end of the Iraq War with an address to service members and their families at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. He will discuss efforts to care for returning veterans and find jobs for them. Special Forces from Fort Bragg were among the first troops to enter Iraq in the invasion of 2003.Midday, December 14, 2011
  • As US year-end departure from Iraq nears, religious tension rise
    Graffiti serves as a reminder that even five years after Saddam Hussein was tried by an Iraqi court and hanged, he is still a hero to many.December 13, 2011
  • War nearly over, Obama says Iraq won't stand alone
    Eager to put the long and divisive Iraq war to rest, President Barack Obama declared "those days are over" with the last American troops heading home, but he pledged the U.S. would remain committed to the fledgling government they leave behind.December 12, 2011
  • Hezbollah identifies undercover CIA officers
    The militant group Hezbollah has revealed the identities of CIA officers working undercover in Lebanon, a blow to agency operations in the region and the latest salvo in an escalating spy war.December 12, 2011
  • Obama heralds end of divisive Iraq war
    President Barack Obama heralded the end of the divisive Iraq war Monday, and warned Iraq's neighbors that the United States would remain a major player in the region even as it brings its troops home.December 12, 2011
  • Dismantling Occupy: Police clear Boston park
    Of all the cities where officials have dismantled the Occupy protesters, Boston may be the most symbolic, it being the home of the Freedom Trail and the place where patriots took a stand against a system they considered unjust.December 10, 2011
  • Report: Hundreds of troops' ashes dumped in landfill
    There are likely even more cases, perhaps going back at least to the 1990s. The Air Force says it ended the practice in 2008.December 8, 2011
  • Last few Minn. Pearl Harbor vets gather to share stories
    Now 88 and part of a dwindling group of Pearl Harbor survivors, Richard Thill had his audience of mostly veterans and state officials hanging on his every word at Minnesota's official ceremony today.December 7, 2011
  • Suicide bomber attacks Kabul shrine, dozens dead
    A crowd of Shiite worshippers were marking a holy day today in the Afghan capital.December 6, 2011
  • Banned aid agencies warn disaster in Somalia
    Aid workers and Somali residents expressed outrage Tuesday, a day after the militant group al-Shabab banned 16 aid groups from its territory, a decision officials said puts tens of thousands of sick mothers and malnourished children at risk.December 2, 2011
  • Are US-Pakistan relations threatening regional peace prospects?
    The NATO cross border attack that killed 25 soldiers in Pakistan has resulted in today's announcement that Pakistan has withdrawn from an international conference on the future of Afghanistan.Midday, November 29, 2011
  • Iranian students storm British Embassy in Tehran
    Dozens of hard-line Iranian students stormed the British Embassy in Tehran on Tuesday, bringing down the Union Jack flag and throwing documents from windows in scenes reminiscent of the anger against Western powers after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.November 29, 2011
  • Minn. Guard unit honored before deployment to Kuwait
    Gov. Mark Dayton was among officials who spoke and shook hands with the 35 soldiers of the 147th Assault Helicopter Battalion. The company deploys in January to provide aviation support as the U.S. military draws down from Iraq.November 27, 2011
  • Another Minnesota Guard unit set for deployment to Kuwait
    About three dozen members of an assault helicopter battalion are shipping out as part of Operation New Dawn. They're headed for Kuwait to provide aviation support to military forces in the region.November 27, 2011
  • International criticism of Egypt's rulers mounts
    International criticism of Egypt's military rulers mounted Wednesday as police clashed for a fifth day with protesters demanding the generals relinquish power immediately.November 23, 2011

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