
War & Conflict

  • Can diplomacy stop Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons?
    President Barack Obama declared Tuesday that diplomacy could resolve the crisis over Iran's possible pursuit of nuclear weapons, and he accused his Republican critics of "beating the drums of war."The Daily Circuit, March 6, 2012
  • Obama: 'Loose talk' about war plays into Iran hands
    President Barack Obama is expected to tell Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in private at the White House on Monday that although the U.S. is committed to Israel's security, it does not want to be dragged into another war.March 5, 2012
  • Iran's Supreme Court orders retrial of ex-Marine
    An Iranian semiofficial news agency reports that the country's Supreme Court has ordered the retrial of an ex-Marine who was sentenced to death for working for the CIA.March 5, 2012
  • Putin elected as 'serious problems' in vote cited by observers
    There were "serious problems" in the vote that returned Vladimir Putin to the Russian presidency, the head of the major international election observer mission said Monday.March 5, 2012
  • Dachau survivor, liberator meet 6 decades later
    The way Ernie Gross and Don Greenbaum laugh and tell jokes with the ease of old friends, it's easy to assume the dapper octogenarians have known each other forever. But their easy familiarity comes from a far darker place: Both men spent a single day at the Dachau concentration camp on the day its 30,000 prisoners were liberated by American GIs in 1945.March 5, 2012
  • Somalis threaten mass bank withdrawals
    Hundreds of Somalis desperate to send money to loved ones in Africa agreed at a meeting Saturday to set a deadline for two banks to help with their cause, or face the possibility of losing business.March 4, 2012
  • Obama: US ready with force over Iran nukes, cautions against 'bluster'
    Speaking to a powerful pro-Israel lobby, Obama appealed to Israel for more time to let sanctions further isolate Iran. He sought to halt a drumbeat to war with Iran and hold off a unilateral Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.March 4, 2012
  • Activists allege execution-style killings in Syria
    Syrian activists accused regime forces of carrying out execution-style killings and burning homes Friday as part of a scorched-earth campaign in a restive neighborhood in the city of Homs, while the Red Cross headed to the area following a bloody, monthlong siege to dislodge rebel forces.The Daily Circuit, March 2, 2012
  • 2 foreign journalists buried in Syria as 2 flee
    Two Western journalists killed in the Syrian city of Homs last week were buried in the embattled neighborhood where they died, according to activist videos posted Thursday, while two other reporters escaped into neighboring Lebanon.March 1, 2012
  • The changing face of al-Qaeda
    Al-Qaeda has dominated the national security conversation since 9/11, but it has also changed over the past few years. Commentator John Radsan says our national security policy has failed to evolve with it.The Daily Circuit, February 29, 2012
  • Bright Ideas with Bruce Schneier
    Stephen Smith spoke with security expert Bruce Schneier about the importance of security in maintaining a flourishing society.February 27, 2012
  • Will Quran protests lead to swift Afghanistan pullout?
    Attacks and protests are making it increasingly difficult for U.S. and NATO military personnel to advise the Afghan military.February 27, 2012
  • Syria's revolution is a chance to win back Arab hearts and minds
    Now Arabs realize that not everyone who is anti-America is "good," and that not everyone who is pro-America is "evil."February 27, 2012
  • US says it's steadfast in rebuilding Afghanistan
    The top U.S. diplomat in Kabul and a campaign adviser to President Barack Obama said Sunday the U.S. isn't rethinking its commitment to Afghanistan after violent protests.February 26, 2012
  • AP Exclusive: Researchers push to open UN archive
    British and American researchers are campaigning to make public a huge but largely unknown U.N. archive documenting 10,000 cases against accused World War II criminals.February 25, 2012

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