
War & Conflict

  • Intelligence committee heads: Terror threat rising
    The terrorism threat against the United States is increasing and Americans aren't as safe as they were a year or two ago, the leaders of the House and Senate intelligence committees said.December 1, 2013
  • Many contractors may stay in Afghanistan
    Should the Afghan government sign a security agreement, the U.S. plans to keep between 6,000 and 9,000 American troops in Afghanistan even after the U.S. and NATO's combat mission officially ends late in 2014.November 28, 2013
  • Three views on the Iran nuclear agreement
    We'll hear three perspectives on the deal this weekend in Geneva that would temporarily freeze Iran's nuclear program.The Daily Circuit, November 25, 2013
  • Obama advised Netanyahu of secret Iran talks in September
    In the confines of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Sept. 30, just after the high Jewish holidays, Obama revealed to Netanyahu that his administration had been engaged in secret, high-level diplomatic talks with the mortal enemy of the Jewish state.November 25, 2013
  • 5 key facts about the Iran nuclear deal
    Remember, the two countries have had no formal ties since the 1979 Iranian Revolution. That all changed when President Obama and Iran's new, moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, exchanged letters in September.November 25, 2013
  • How the Iran deal happened
    The United States and Iran secretly engaged in a series of high-level, face-to-face talks over the past year, in a high-stakes diplomatic gamble by the Obama administration that paved the way for the historic deal sealed early Sunday in Geneva aimed at slowing Tehran's nuclear program, The Associated Press has learned.November 24, 2013
  • Deal reached to limit Iran's nuclear program
    Iran and six world powers have just reached an agreement in Geneva on curbing Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for some sanctions relief, according to published reports.November 23, 2013
  • Women pass Marine training, clear first hurdle to combat role
    More than 200 Marines have been training since late September in the pine forests of North Carolina. And for the first time, women took part in the training. Three of them made it to the end and graduated Thursday morning.November 22, 2013
  • Minn. judge looks back on JFK assassination, justice in Pakistan
    Pakistan is building a justice system to address terrorism and getting advice from experts like U.S. District Judge John Tunheim.The Daily Circuit, November 21, 2013
  • Experts welcome German decision against man who commanded Nazi-led attack
    New evidence that a Minneapolis man who commanded a Nazi SS-led unit ordered an attack on a Polish village in World War II underscores the need for federal authorities to investigate, a leader of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas said Monday.November 18, 2013
  • Minneapolis man linked to Nazi-led attack
    Newly uncovered testimony by The Associated Press shows that a 94-year-old man now living in Northeast Minneapolis ordered the soldiers in his Nazi SS-led unit to attack a Polish village in 1944 that left dozens dead and the town destroyed.The Daily Circuit, November 18, 2013
  • AP: Minneapolis man ordered Nazi-led attack, soldier says
    In June, an AP investigation found that Michael Karkoc entered the U.S. in 1949 by failing to disclose to American authorities his role as a commander in the SS-led Ukrainian Self Defense Legion, which is accused of torching villages and killing civilians in Poland.November 18, 2013
  • U of M campus search over after attempted robbery
    Officials at the University of Minnesota say there is no further need for people to take shelter on the West Bank of the Minneapolis Campus.November 11, 2013
  • Veterans given a voice in Library of Congress collection
    Over coffee and cookies, 11 veterans recently shared stories with volunteers at Paradigm Court Reporting and Captioning. They will become part of the Veterans History Project which includes thousands of accounts, all available on line as transcripts, audio or video.November 11, 2013
  • Bearing witness to Nazis' life-shattering Kristallnacht
    On a busy street in Berlin the gray and dirty pavement glistens with little brass cobblestones. Etched into each stone is the name of an individual, a date of deportation, the name of a concentration camp and, more often than not, a date of death. But some stones are inscribed with the word ueberlebt, meaning "survived."November 9, 2013

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