Minnesota Legislature: Minnesota's Budget Crisis

As Gov. Dayton and Republican legislative leaders continue to negotiate over the state budget, they are likely discussing various sources of new revenue to close the projected $5 billion budget deficit. Here's a look at some of those potential money makers. (07/05/2011)
The DFL governor called the government shutdown "a terrible situation." He met with GOP legislative leaders for a little more than an hour this afternoon, with no apparent progress. (07/05/2011)
Truck drivers are joining the long list of groups going before a special master Tuesday to ask for relief on the fifth day of the state government shutdown. (07/05/2011)
Former Gov. Arne Carlson, a Republican, and former Vice President Walter Mondale, a Democrat, announced Tuesday an independent commission designed to resolve Minnesota's budget deadlock. (07/05/2011)
Independence Party gubernatorial candidate Tom Horner, who received just under 12 percent of the vote, suggests a middle road to balance the state budget and end the government shutdown. Should both sides compromise on raising taxes and cutting more government spending? (Midday, 07/05/2011)
Today starts the first workweek since the state government shut down on July 1. What impact has the last five days had on a political solution, on unemployed worker's anxiety and on Minnesotan's access to government services? (Midmorning, 07/05/2011)
Gov. Jon Corzine of New Jersey in 2006 signed an executive order shutting down the state's government, for the first time in its history. Today, we speak to journalist Richard G. Jones about what Minnesotans can expect, based on past shutdowns. (07/05/2011)
Republican Sen. Dave Senjem heard yells of "get back to work" at a parade yesterday in the southern Minnesota community of Blooming Prairie. (07/04/2011)
State government has been largely shut down for four days now. If the shutdown drags on, there may be severe consequences at the polls for some political leaders. (07/04/2011)
Families are learning they can't visit state prison inmates. Campers have been shut out of state parks. Fourth of July programs at Fort Snelling and other historical sites have been canceled. Even on a holiday, the effects of the shutdown are beginning to penetrate daily life across Minnesota. (07/04/2011)
As intractable as the budget mess that led to the Minnesota government shutdown seems to be, there is a way out. For all their rhetoric, Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton and GOP leaders have shown hints they could compromise, and in some cases offered small clues on how. (07/04/2011)
An state fire inspector who was laid off during the government shutdown was called back to help investigate a fire Saturday in New Ulm that killed six people. (07/04/2011)
Minnesota state government is shut down and the federal government is threatening to default on its debts. On Independence Day, Midday discusses the quality of our government. What would make the government work better? Do we have the leadership we deserve? (Midday, 07/04/2011)
Businesses in the private sector are also expecting trouble in the wake of government shutdown. (07/04/2011)
The state shutdown is hitting home for many Minnesotans who haven't paid attention to the impasse at the state Capitol until now.And, after weeks of anticipating a potential shutdown, the reality of the situation sunk in for state employees. (07/04/2011)

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