Sherburne County
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Becker Public School District: School District Question 1
The school board of Independent School District No. 726 (Becker) has proposed to renew its referendum revenue authority for $731.28 per pupil for taxes payable in 2010, subject to an annual increase at the rate of inflation. The additional revenue will be used to finance general school operations. The proposed referendum revenue authorization will be applicable for ten (10) years unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provided by law. Shall the renewal of this referendum revenue authority and the increase in the referendum revenue authority proposed by the Board of Independent School District No. 726 (Becker) be approved? PASSAGE OF THIS REFERENDUM WILL RESULT IN AN INCREASE IN YOUR PROPERTY TAXES |
Yes |
987 |
60.6% |
No |
641 |
39.4% |
Becker Public School District: School District Question 2
The school board of Independent School District No. 726 (Becker) has proposed a capital project levy authorization in the amount of 1.851% times the net tax capacity of the school district to provide funds for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of technology and for other capital projects such as transportation equipment and deferred maintenance of school buildings. The proposed capital project levy authorization will raise approximately $420,000 for taxes payable in 2010, the first year it is to be levied, and would be authorized for ten years. The estimated total cost of the projects to be funded over that time period is approximately $4,200,000. If Question 1 above is approved, shall the capital project levy authority proposed by the Board of Independent School District No. 726 (Becker) be approved? PASSAGE OF THIS REFERENDUM WILL RESULT IN AN INCREASE IN YOUR PROPERTY TAXES |
Yes |
831 |
51.0% |
No |
798 |
49.0% |
Becker Public School District: School District Question 3
No |
896 |
55.3% |
Yes |
724 |
44.7% |
Big Lake Public School District: School District Question 1
The School Board of Independent School District No. 727 (Big Lake), Minnesota has proposed to increase its general education revenue by $475 per pupil, subject to an annual increase at the rate of inflation. The proposed referendum revenue authorization would be applicable for ten (10) years unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provided by law. Shall the increase in the revenue proposed by the Board of Independent School District No. 727 (Big Lake) be approved? PASSAGE OF THIS REFERENDUM WILL RESULT IN AN INCREASE IN YOUR PROPERTY TAXES |
Yes |
1,613 |
54.6% |
No |
1,343 |
45.4% |
Big Lake Public School District: School District Question 2
The School Board of Independent School District No. 727 (Big Lake), Minnesota has proposed to increase its general education revenue by an additional $145 per pupil, subject to an annual increase at the rate of inflation. The proposed referendum revenue authorization would be applicable for ten (10) years unless otherwise revoked or reduced as provided by law. If Question 1 above is approved, shall the additional increase in the revenue proposed by the Board of Independent School District No. 727 (Big Lake) be approved? PASSAGE OF THIS REFERENDUM WILL RESULT IN AN INCREASE IN YOUR PROPERTY TAXES |
No |
1,486 |
50.3% |
Yes |
1,469 |
49.7% |
Source: Minnesota Secretary of State
Results are provided by local election offices throughout the state, and are not official. Election offices are not required to report their results. Minneapolis instant runoff voting results reflect the first round, subsequent counts will be posted on the City of Minneapolis website.
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