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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

In many cases it's family ties that have brought victims north. But in others, it's simply a much-needed offer of help from someone they've never met. (09/07/2005)
In coming weeks as many as 3,000 survivors of Hurricane Katrina could be brought to Camp Ripley, a huge National Guard facility in central Minnesota. (09/06/2005)
or 25 years, the Minneapolis-based American Refugee Committee has provided shelter, medical care and education for millions of people in refugee camps in Africa, Asia and Balkans. The ARC has sent a team to Louisiana. (09/06/2005)
Minnesota's preparations for up to 3,000 Hurricane Katrina evacuees include getting school districts ready to welcome new students. (09/06/2005)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty has declared a state of emergency in Minnesota in preparation for the thousands of hurricane victims. The governor also ordered that money used to help the survivors come out of the state's general fund. The orders come on the same day state officials met to outline plans for the pending arrival of Katrina survivors who could begin arriving as soon as Thursday. (09/06/2005)
They're calling it Operation Northern Comfort. Minnesota is opening its doors to at least 3,000 refugees displaced by Hurricane Katrina, and that means lots of preparation. What does the state need to do to get ready for its new residents? ( 09/06/2005)
The emotional impact of a natural disaster can last long after the event. Midmorning discusses the culture of anger and fear that often follows a trauma. ( 09/06/2005)
With a major levee break finally plugged, engineers struggled to pump out a flooded New Orleans Tuesday as authorities braced for the horrors the receding water would reveal. "It's going to be awful and it's going to wake the nation up again," the mayor said. (09/06/2005)
Minnesota's National Guard in Camp Ripley could be accepting Katrina disaster victims as early as this week. Over the weekend, the Federal Emergency Management Agency asked the Guard to accept 3,000 to 5,000 survivors on an interim basis until the state can find them more permanent housing. (09/05/2005)
One week after Hurricane Katrina turned the region into a disaster of biblical proportions, miles-long lines of vehicles crawled into Jefferson Parish on Monday as residents were allowed to return for brief inspections of what's left of their homes. (09/05/2005)
Minnesotans are mobilizing aid for victims of Hurricane Katrina. Dan Hoffman has been assisting refugees since shortly after the hurricane hit Louisiana last week. He works at the St. Paul Red Cross, but has been helping in Baton Rouge. He spoke with MPR's Perry Finelli. He says the work is grueling. (09/05/2005)
Hurricane Katrina's impact reaches far beyond the gulf coast. As harvest approaches, Minnesota farmers are worried about the storm's effect on them. (09/05/2005)
New Orleans is turning much of its attention Sunday to gathering up and counting the dead across a ghastly landscape awash in perhaps thousands of corpses. "It is going to be about as ugly of a scene as I think you can imagine," the nation's homeland security chief warned. (09/04/2005)
Almost a week after losing her home and business to Hurricane Katrina, Minnesota native Rachael Van't Hull finally arrived at her sister's Brooklyn Center home. (09/04/2005)
Minnesota is responding to Hurricane Katrina with its publicly-funded resources, as well as with private donations. (09/04/2005)
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