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Coverage from Minnesota Public Radio

George and Sheila Augustin didn't expect to wind up in Minnesota when they left New Orleans ahead of Hurricane Katrina. But when they learned their home was underwater, they came to Minnetonka, where George's company has an office. They're safe and -- for now -- George has a job. (09/12/2005)
Just three days after he was removed from the on-site command of the federal hurricane relief effort, Mike Brown resigned as director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (09/12/2005)
President Bush denied Monday there was any racial component to people being left behind after Hurricane Katrina, despite suggestions from some critics that the response would have been quicker if so many of the victims hadn't been poor and black. (09/12/2005)
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, many Minnesotans have wondered whether this state is prepared for a similar large-scale disaster. (09/10/2005)
People who lost their homes in Hurricane Katrina are now scattered across the country, many in evacuee camps. Since shortly after the disaster, there's been discussion about how the should be described. President Bush joined a number of black leaders when he came out against the use of the word "refugee." Commentator T. Mychael Rambo, an actor and singer in the Twin Cities, also raises questions about the term. (09/09/2005)
Authorities said Friday that their first systematic sweep of the city found far fewer bodies than expected. And the head of the Department of Homeland Security removed the head of FEMA in direct relief operations. (09/09/2005)
The coastal areas of the southern and eastern parts of the United States suffer regular damage that is both dramatic and gradual. Midmorning examines why manmade efforts to makes lands livable for humans sometimes worsen the environmental situation. ( 09/09/2005)
Archbishop Harry Flynn, head of the Catholic Church in St. Paul and Minneapolis, was the bishop of Lafayette, Louisiana when Hurricane Andrew struck in 1992. Flynn says he remembers the damage caused by Andrew, and says colleagues in Louisiana have told him the devastation this time is much worse. Flynn talked to MPR's Tom Crann. (09/09/2005)
Hurricane Katrina survivors who made it through the deadly storm have already arrived here. They've come to Minnesota on their own, rather than through the official relocation effort, drawn in many cases by family connections. (09/08/2005)
Minnesota officials received word Thursday that the first wave of Hurricane Katrina survivors should arrive at Camp Ripley next Tuesday as part of a 21-state relocation plan. (09/08/2005)
Politicians and American citizens alike have called for an investigation into the way the government dealt with Hurricane Katrina. Midmorning discusses alleged lapses in the disaster response system. ( 09/08/2005)
Katy Lovell, who watched the storm on TV from the safety of her parent's Lake Minnetonka home, already knows that her house in New Orleans is still standing and all her family members who stayed behind are alive. Lovell is relieved, of course. But her relief is mixed with guilt. (09/07/2005)
The images from Hurricane Katrina hit close to home in Grand Forks, North Dakota, where eight years ago a historic flood, ravaged the city. (09/07/2005)
New Orleans has a rich history that combines the traditions of Acadians and Africans, among many others. Midmorning examines the unique cultural heritage of the devastated Crescent City. ( 09/07/2005)
Some say it makes no sense to spend billions of dollars to rebuild a city that's below sea level. Others say the Big Easy will bounce back from destruction better than ever. What is the future of New Orleans and the other cities that were devastated by Hurricane Katrina? ( 09/07/2005)
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