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Campaign 2004

Candidate Bio
Dennis Kucinich
Political affiliation:
Democratic Party
October 8, 1946
Cleveland, OH
Twice divorced; daughter Jackie, age 21.
U.S. Congressman
Attended Cleveland State University, 1967-70. BA & MA, Case Western Reserve University, 1973
Cleveland City Council member, 1969-75 and 1983-85; mayor of Cleveland, 1977-79; Ohio Senate, 1994-1996; elected in 2002 to fourth term as congressman from Ohio's 10th District.
On the Issues
Audio Highlights
Audio Convention speech (7/28/04)
Officially ends campaign and throws support to John Kerry.
Audio Kucinich on Midday (2/20/04)
Answers listener questions shortly before the Minnesota caucuses.
Kucinich in Minneapolis (10/14/03)
Seventh stop after officially announcing his candidacy.
Links and Resources
Web site:
Minnesota Web site:
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Document Political Money Line
Candidate Pages

Dennis Kucinich

Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio was one of the few candidates still in the race at the beginning of the Democratic National Convention in Boston in July 2004. But Kucinich released his delegates, in an effort to provide a Democratic unified front by the conclusion of the convention. Kucinich is a former mayor of Cleveland. Elected at 31, his political career appeared in jeopardy thanks to a fiscal crisis which forced the city into default. In 1994, he won a state Senate seat and re-launched his political aspirations. His campaign is intended to appeal to a progressive base; he is the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. He is, perhaps, best known for a speech he gave in February 2002 in which he declared it "patriotic" to dissent against the Bush administration's Patriot Act, the series of measures designed to crack down on terrorism, but which opponents say strip freedoms from citizens.

Kerry creates stir in Wisconsin small town
Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry is in Spring Green, Wisconsin, preparing for Thursday's debate with President George W. Bush. Kerry's decision to do his debate prep at the House on the Rock resort is creating quite a stir in the small Wisconsin town. One of the people most excited about the arrival of the Kerry camp is Todd Miller, a Democrat running for the Wisconsin State Assembly, and the co-owner of the Spring Green General Store.
MPR poll: Minnesotans think war will worsen U.S. standing in the world
A new poll sponsored by Minnesota Public Radio and the St. Paul Pioneer Press suggests that most Minnesotans have misgivings about certain aspects of the war or its aftermath, but a majority still says the president is better prepared to manage the situation.
President George W. Bush at the United Nations
President George W. Bush addresses the United Nations on Tuesday. In his weekly radio address, Bush promised to "talk about the great possibilities of our time to improve health, expand prosperity and extend freedom in the world." He said the United States is determined "to spread hope and economic progress and freedom as the alternatives to hatreds, resentments and terrorist violence."
More campaign finance changes?
A federal district court opinion appears to throw out 15 Federal Elections Commission regulations on campaign finance. Those regulations were contested by the authors of the campaign finance reform laws. But what happens to such a ruling issued in the middle of a campaign is under debate.
John Kerry's four-point plan for Iraq
Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry outlined his four-point plan for dealing with the War in Iraq at New York University, Monday. Kerry proposed to increase international contributions to the effort, expand the training of Iraqi police and security forces, provide jobs and tangible benefits to the Iraqi people and ensure that the country can hold democratic elections next year.
Bush defends Iraq policy amid bipartisan criticism
President Bush, buffeted by criticism from Democratic Sen. John Kerry and even some in his own party on Iraq, is urging U.S. voters to stick with him on the war in the face of surging violence.
Kerry says Bush handling of war threatens unending fight; he offers four-point plan
Sen. John Kerry said Monday that mistakes by President Bush in invading Iraq could lead to unending war and that no responsible commander in chief would have begun the war knowing Saddam Hussein didn't possess weapons of mass destruction and wasn't an imminent threat to the United States.
Beyond the God gap
The theory of the "God gap"--which suggests that, in general, religious Americans are Republicans and non-religious Americans are Democrats--has played prominently in press reporting on the 2004 presidential race. At their recent conventions, both parties seemed to grapple with faith and respond to the perceived God gap in interesting and unexpected ways. This special program from American Public Media's "Speaking of Faith" asks whether there actually is such a clear cut rift in American society.
Sagging in some polls, Nader hunts for votes in Minnesota
The gloves were off for independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader Thursday night during two Twin Cities appearances. Nader spoke to hundreds of supporters, first at Macalester College in St. Paul and then at the University of Minnesota's Minneapolis campus. He took direct aim at Democrats, Republicans, and corporate interests. Recent polls show Nader struggling to find support in Minnesota -- but he and his supporters say the campaign is about more than winning the race.
Bush seeks to turn up the pressure in Minnesota
President Bush staged a fast and furious tour of Minnesota on Thursday, rallying in two cities and holding a health care forum in a third as two new polls showed him even with Democrat John Kerry.
MPR poll: Bush momentum builds over Kerry in Minnesota
As President Bush makes a three-city campaign swing through Minnesota, a new poll shows him with a narrow lead over Democrat John Kerry in the state. It's the first time Bush has led Kerry in the Minnesota Public Radio-St. Paul Pioneer Press poll. The slim two-point lead is within the poll's margin of sampling error, and pollsters say the race is still a toss-up.
Bush spending little time in Washington
If you're looking for President Bush, don't bother searching the White House. Bush has not spent a full day in Washington since Aug. 2 - roaming the country rather than staying in the Oval Office as he seeks a second term. He'll be in Washington Wednesday to host a concert and reception at the White House. Then Bush hits the road again Thursday for a campaign swing through Minnesota.
Gov. Howard Dean
Former Democratic presidential contender and Vermont Gov. Howard Dean has said his failed presidential campaign threw the first punch in what could be "a real fight for the soul of the Democratic Party." In his new book, "You Have the Power," Dean advises his party to move to the left, and he claims that Americans are disenchanted with politics because they believe they can't make a difference. As you might guess from the title of his book, Gov. Dean disagrees.
Nader supporters file petitions to put him on Minnesota ballot
Supporters of Ralph Nader's independent run for president on Monday filed petitions to get his name on the Minnesota ballot in November. The campaign needed 2,000 signatures from eligible voters and said it turned in 4,781. The secretary of state's office will need to confirm that the signatures are valid and that the voters are eligible. That's expected to take a couple of days.
Kerry campaigns in Rochester
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry campaigned in Rochester on Wednesday. He met with a group of approximately 150 local folks in the back yard of a Rochester residence. The meeting was advertised as about health care, but Kerry took questions and talked about topics such as immigration, the draft, and environmental protection.

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