
Political affiliation: Democratic Party |
December 11, 1943
Denver, Colorado |
Married to Teresa Heinz; two
daughters --Alexandra and Vanessa. Three stepchildren. Catholic. |
U.S. Senator |
Bachelor's degree, Yale University,
1966; law degree, Boston College, 1976. |
officer, awarded Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat "V,"
three Purple Hearts for Vietnam War service, 1966-70; spokesman,
Vietnam Veterans Against the War, 1971; Middlesex County,
Mass., prosecutor, 1976-78; lawyer in private practice, 1979-1982;
Massachusetts Lieutenant governor, 1983-85; U.S. Senate, 1985-present. |
John Kerry
U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., won the Democratic
nomination for president in July, the only Democrat left standing in a field
that at one time numbered 10. In winning the nomination, Kerry survived several
shake-ups of his campaign after former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean spent most of
2003 as the frontrunner. But the Iowa caucuses, and an ill-timed scream, doomed
Dean, and forced out Sen. Richard Gephardt. And Kerry rolled on Super Tuesday,
forcing his primary competitor, Sen. John Edwards, out of the race. In June,
Kerry named Edwards his choice for vice president.
Kerry did not get a large bounce after the Democratic National Convention in
Boston, and then in late August, the Republican Convention in New York, coupled
with a strong ad campaign by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, heavily damaged
Kerry, who never recovered from a sharp drop in the polls, even though the final
election result was close.
Bush backs constitutional amendment prohibiting marriages between same-sex partners
Jumping into a volatile election-year debate
on same-sex weddings, President Bush on Tuesday backed a
constitutional amendment banning gay marriage - a move he said was
needed to stop judges from changing the definition of the "most
enduring human institution."
Nader faces uphill struggle in bid for Minnesota supporters
Ralph Nader's entrance into the presidential race is sparking debate in Minnesota political circles. The consumer advocate will run as an independent, not on the Green Party ticket as he did in 2000. Members of the Independence and Green parties appear to be divided about Nader's candidacy. Many Democrats are upset about Nader's decision, worried he'll pull votes from the Democratic nominee, while some Republicans are happy to see Nader in the race.
Cheney in Minnesota to raise money, morale for Minnesota Republicans
Vice President Dick Cheney rallied Minnesota
Republicans at a campaign fundraiser on Monday with a speech that
defended the Bush administration's foreign policy.
The Nader factor
Ralph Nader announced Sunday that he will run as an Independent candidate in this year's presidential race. He is telling Democrats not to panic over his candidacy. He
says he thinks he'll attract conservatives and other independents who are frustrated with President Bush's policies -- but that he won't lure away a lot of Democratic voters.
( 02/23/2004)
Let the campaigning begin
North Carolina Sen. John Edwards and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich were in Minnesota Saturday, encouraging Democratic voters to choose them in the March 2 party caucuses. Edwards and Kucinich are two of the four Democrats seeking the party's nomination for president. Their appearances are likely to be the first of many campaign visits to Minnesota over the next two weeks.
Dennis Kucinich on the race for president
Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich talks about his campaign and his race to be commander-in-chief. He'll also take questions from Minnesota Public Radio listeners.
( 02/20/2004)
Though their candidate is finished, Dean supporters hope to keep some political clout
Howard Dean supporters throughout the state say they're disappointed that their candidate didn't do better in the nation's primaries. But they say even with their candidate out of the race they'll continue their organizational efforts to defeat President Bush in November.
Dean ends presidential campaign
Howard Dean, bowing to the political
realities of a 17-contest losing streak, ended his Democratic
presidential campaign Wednesday but promised to keep his "campaign
for change" alive while supporting his party's eventual nominee.
Presidential politics
A day after the Wisconsin primary, Gary Eichten and his guests discuss the race for president. On Tuesday, presidential hopeful John Kerry won the Wisconsin primary in a narrow victory over John Edwards. Howard Dean dropped out of the race.
( 02/18/2004)
Talk of Minnesota: The Vietnam War and the 2004 campaign
Last week, officials opened up President Bush's personnel file in hopes of proving he reported as ordered for his Vietnam-era National Guard duty in Alabama. Host Gary Eichten and his guests discuss why the Vietnam War has become a political issue for the 2004 presidential election.
( 02/17/2004)
Wisconsin voters welcome attention from candidates
Wisconsin is in the national spotlight with Democratic candidates for President criss-crossing the state ahead of Tuesday's primary. For candidates John Edwards and Howard Dean, the dairy state is a must-win following John Kerry's victories in 14 of 16 previous primaries and caucuses. All of the attention is a welcome change to the state's residents.
What it takes to be president
What compells someone to run for president? Host Gary Eichten and his guest explore the characteristics of the men who have served as commander in chief.
( 02/16/2004)
Taking stock of the Democratic presidential nomination
Is John Kerry's perceived electability driving his success? A look at the factors contributing to the once long-shot candidate's winning ways.
( 02/12/2004)
Edwards tries to catch Kerry in Wisconsin
Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards toured Wisconsin on Wednesday with stops in Janesville, Green Bay and LaCrosse. Edwards, a senator from North Carolina, continues to trail Democratic frontrunner John Kerry.
Clark withdraws from presidential race
Wesley Clark dropped out of the race
for the White House on Wednesday, a retired four-star general
unable to command significant support as a first-time presidential