
People & Places

  • Creating meaning
    When the focus is on the contributions of younger workers, retirees may have trouble convincing others they have more to offer.April 20, 2005
  • The creations of Cesar Pelli
    Minneapolis Central Library architect Cesar Pelli talks about the vitality of local architecture.April 19, 2005
  • The life and times of author James Baldwin
    The biographer of James Baldwin talks about the subject of a lifetime.April 14, 2005
  • Singing Hebrew along the Yellow Brick Road
    For the past few years the Talmud Torah School in St. Paul has presented Hebrew language versions of popular musicals. This week they're doing a newly-translated "Wizard of Oz."April 13, 2005
  • FDR and the end of WWII
    Tuesday marks the 60th anniversary of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's death. Presidential historian Michael Beschloss spoke about his book "The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the Destruction of Hitler's Germany," at the Commonwealth Club of California in December of 2002, and explained Roosevelt's determination to keep Germany from ever threatening the world again.April 12, 2005
  • Wisconsin considers cat hunting
    There's an old saw that says you can divide the world into two groups of people: cat-lovers and cat-haters. Those two factions are going head-to-head in Wisconsin over a proposal to allow cat hunting.April 8, 2005
  • The month that saved America
    One-hundred-and-forty years ago Saturday, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox. Less than a week after Appomattox, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. The seeds of a never-ending conflict were planted that month but they never came to fruition and in his book, "April, 1865: The Month That Saved America," author Jay Winik explains how such a tragedy was averted.April 8, 2005
  • The state of journalism
    The man credited with establishing the ABC News program 20/20 and hiring Barbara Walters as its anchor talks about the dimming star of network news.April 1, 2005
  • Up and down on a 33-year ride
    Steve Douville has been riding Duluth's aerial lift bridge for 33 years. Now, he says, it's time to get off.March 27, 2005
  • Was F.D.R. the last great president?
    Most historians seem to agree that the top tier of U.S. presidents includes the likes of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, in varying order. But what about the presidents since F.D.R.? Historian Robert Divine paid a visit to the Minnesota Historical Society on Saturday to assess the last ten presidents.March 24, 2005
  • Soldier mom returns home
    The year 2003 was monumental for Sarah Griesse. She had her first child and married her college sweetheart. In November, she was called to active duty by the South Dakota National Guard. A few months later she was in Iraq. Now after more than a year away, Sarah Griesse has to learn all over again how to be a wife and a mother.March 21, 2005
  • Frank Delaney's Ireland
    A new novel by one of the United Kingdom's most beloved broadcasters tells Ireland's history from prehistoric times to the country's modern day struggle for independence through the narrative of a wandering storyteller.March 21, 2005
  • Favorite Midday/Midmorning moments
    Fund drives may be frustrating from time to time, but they also bring a particularly distinguished group of voices to the MPR airwaves. National Public Radio's Cokie Roberts, New York Times reporter Jim Dwyer, bestselling sportswriter John Feinstein and sound effects men Fred Newman and Tom Keith have all made appearances on Midday or Midmorning this fund drive.March 4, 2005
  • Bird is the word
    The author and artist of the one of the best loved books on birding talks about art and birdwatching.March 4, 2005
  • U of M climatologist took the earth's temperature
    Making the case for global warming is like assembling a huge jigsaw puzzle -- the big picture emerges from many pieces. One of the early pieces came from the work of University of Minnesota climatology professor Don Baker. The U of M is recognizing Baker Friday with a lifetime achievement award.March 4, 2005

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