
People & Places

  • A jungle of confusion: tigers in Minnesota
    Later this week a Goodhue County man will appear in court after four of his Siberian tigers mauled a Minneapolis woman as she cleaned out their pen. While the attack made national headlines, for Goodhue County officials this was just the latest in a string of incidents at the facility known as Tiger Zone.May 25, 2005
  • Children's Theatre completes its first capital drive
    The Children's Theatre Company has announced the successful completion of its $27 million capital campaign. The money will pay for the expansion of its theater and rehearsal space in Minneapolis, which is set to open this fall. But in the same breath the CTC has announced it wants to raise more money.May 23, 2005
  • Feet In Two Worlds: Immigrants in the Global City
    For generations, immigrants who came to the U.S. were forced to make a clean break with home. Today, many find themselves in constant contact with their home countries. "Feet in Two Worlds" follows immigrants in New York as they learn to live in two places at once.May 20, 2005
  • Egg collection offers lessons
    A collection of eggs discovered in an Iowa farmhouse could teach lessons about birds of 100 years ago, and about what birds need from us today.May 20, 2005
  • A mother-daughter language spoken through long hair
    Look around at the pairs of mothers and daughters you see this Mother's Day weekend. Now look closely at their hairstyles. Notice anything? Producer Sasha Aslanian recognized a pattern in her family, starting with her mother.May 7, 2005
  • When Dad goes to war
    It's never easy going to war. It's even worse when you're leaving young kids behind.May 6, 2005
  • Canoeing with the Cree 75 years later
    Eric Sevareid made his name as a CBS news correspondent. But at a young age, Sevareid experienced an adventure most only dream of.April 29, 2005
  • The secret story of seeing the Ivory-billed Woodpecker
    A Minnesotan who has been keeping a secret about special bird sighting for more than a year can now let it all out. Jim Fitzpatrick saw the Ivory-billed Woodpecker in a national wildlife refuge in Arkansas. He is the Director of the Carpenter Nature Center in Hastings, and he spoke with MPR's Cathy Wurzer.April 29, 2005
  • Einstein everlasting
    Scientists refer to 1905 as Albert Einstein's year of miracles. To commemorate the centennial anniversary of the famous scientist's breakthrough research, 2005 has been named the year of Einstein. Midmorning remembers the man whose ideas changed the way we view our world.April 28, 2005
  • Taking humor seriously
    Midmorning examines the evolution of humor. Two researchers discuss the changing roles of humor in societyApril 26, 2005
  • Taking humor seriously
    Midmorning examines the evolution of humor. Two researchers discuss the changing roles of humor in society.April 26, 2005
  • In search of the perfect prom dress
    It's springtime, which means it's almost time for prom. While the days can be beautiful, women and their daughters have been inside, shopping for the perfect dress.April 22, 2005
  • Restoring Harvey Dunn's legacy
    A major restoration of Harvey Dunn's paintings is underway. The South Dakota born artist is famous for his depictions of pioneer life on the prairie.April 22, 2005
  • The megastar no one knows -- yet
    A few weeks back, not one, but two stretch limos drew up in front of MPR's St. Paul studios, and no one recognized the man who stepped into building. But that may be about to change. The man was Steven Chow, Asia's hottest film comedy star, who's releasing his latest film in the U.S.April 21, 2005
  • Actress and activist Jane Fonda
    Jane Fonda's movie roles, workout videos and outspoken political views have made her an American icon. Her image even resurfaced during the 2004 presidential race when she was depicted protesting the Vietnam War with Sen. John Kerry in a doctored photo, and many veterans have never forgiven her for posing with an anti-aircraft gun in North Vietnam.April 20, 2005

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