
People & Places

  • NJ judge: State must allow gays to marry
    A New Jersey judge has ruled the state must allow same-sex couples to marry, though Gov. Chris Christie's administration is expected to appeal.September 27, 2013
  • Worst kind of email CC: An A(nnoying)CC
    Let's call it the ACC. It's when you're having an A-B email conversation and one party suddenly copies your boss, manager or someone more senior, in order to get an advantage in the discussion at hand. The ACC is an unnecessary, passive-aggressive move that blindsides the original party.September 26, 2013
  • Good deeds in headlines may not be so good
    Story of good deeds make headlines. It may not be exactly brand new, but public interest does seem to be piqued these days by ordinary folks making what are seen as extraordinary ethical decisions. Some, however, question if airing this kind of "good" news is actually good.September 26, 2013
  • Elder care: Do we owe our parents help as they age?
    A recent survey of 750 adult Americans about their attitudes on elder care found that 81 percent of American adults want to help care for their parents, but just 26 percent have a plan.The Daily Circuit, September 26, 2013
  • As Minnesota's 'corn rescue' grows, tons of produce reach food banks nationwide
    More than a million pounds of Minnesota sweet corn is expected to feed hungry people across the nation this fall, the result of an effort by hunger relief groups and food companies to capture corn that would otherwise go to waste.September 26, 2013
  • Why don't we talk about young black females?
    Trayvon Martin's death brought attention to the issues facing black male youth. But what about girls, who have their own obstacles to overcome?The Daily Circuit, September 25, 2013
  • Do military tattoo restrictions infringe upon free speech?
    Under a proposed rule change, new recruits would not be allowed tattoos visible below the elbow or knee or above the neckline. Current soldiers would be permitted to keep any tattoos not deemed racist, sexist or extremist.September 25, 2013
  • Can the website comment section be saved?
    Where will we turn for racist, ignorant, worthless commentary once YouTube finishes cleaning up its house? Plenty of places, unfortunately, but perhaps YouTube is providing inspiration for everyone to reconsider whether the comments sections on the Internet need to be sheer thuggery.September 25, 2013
  • Why Minn. needs cameras in court: Wilfs
    Yesterday's hearing in New Jersey during which Vikings owner Zygi Wilf and his brother were ordered to come up with $85 million to pay off the business partners they cheated has a lesson for Minnesota unrelated to the one about choosing your stadium partners carefully.September 24, 2013
  • Spirit on Lake provides welcoming home for LGBT seniors
    Spirit on Lake in Minneapolis is the first housing development in Minnesota to serve primarily lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender seniors, a group that faces unique safety and health challenges as they age.September 24, 2013
  • Moist towelettes are a bane to sewer systems
    Wastewater authorities say wipes may go down the toilet, but even many labeled flushable aren't breaking down as they course through the sewer system. That's costing some municipalities millions of dollars to dispatch crews to unclog pipes and pumps and to replace and upgrade machinery.September 23, 2013
  • Minn. doctor delivers 13 babies in 24 hours
    There were no twins or triplets were among the 13 infants he delivered in the 24 hours at CentraCare Clinic ending Friday, Sept. 13.September 20, 2013
  • Should the U.S. cut food stamps?
    Yesterday's vote in the U.S. House of Representatives cutting food stamps (known as SNAP) for millions of Americans is largely symbolic. The bill, like most bills at the Capitol, isn't going anywhere. But if it passed, who would it affect?September 20, 2013
  • Transgender youth face unique challenges, discrimination
    Estimates from the Center for American Progress suggest 320,000 to 400,000 gay and transgender youth face homelessness each year.The Daily Circuit, September 20, 2013
  • NAACP marks civil rights milestone in St. Paul
    In August, the nation marked the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. The St. Paul chapter of the NAACP today is marking it's 100th anniversary.September 19, 2013

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