
People & Places

  • Longtime community activist Robert Hickman dies at 79
    Robert Hickman, a community activist who helped found the Inner City Youth League, died Jan. 28. Friends remembered his contributions to the league, a beacon of hope to young black people.February 5, 2015
  • Love hot sauce? Your personality may be a good predictor
    Researchers at Penn State have shown that personality seems to be a significant player in our lust for heat or spice in our food.February 3, 2015
  • Detroit man who commutes 21 miles a day on foot will get a hand
    James Robertson began walking to and from work a decade ago after his car broke down. His plight has led to an outpouring of help from people across the U.S.February 3, 2015
  • After 4 years of ALS, Kramer senses 'tipping point'
    Bruce Kramer isn't as worried about his increasing pain as he is about losing his power to communicate.February 3, 2015
  • 'Can One Laugh at Everything? Satire and Free Speech After Charlie'
    The University of Minnesota convened a panel of speakers last week to talk about how to respect pluralism and diversity while also respecting the principles of freedom of speech and expression. It was titled, "Can One Laugh at Everything? Satire and Free Speech After Charlie." You'll hear William Mitchell constitutional law professor Anthony Winer, 2013 Pulitzer Prize-winning Star Tribune editorial cartoonist Steve Sack, University of Minnesota media ethics and law professor Jane Kirtley, and U of M French professor Bruno Chaouat.February 3, 2015
  • Balloonists crossing Pacific set distance record
    American Troy Bradley and Russian Leonid Tiukhtyaev surpassed the previous record of just over 5,200 miles set in 1981 for gas-filled balloons.January 30, 2015
  • Intelligence Squared debate: Is Amazon a friend to readers?
    A debate from NPR's Intelligence Squared series about the value of books. Four experts debate the motion, "Amazon is a reader's friend." Attorney and the best-selling author of legal thrillers Scott Turow is one of the debaters, as they explore the future of book publishing and the best way to serve readers.January 29, 2015
  • Young entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos
    30-year-old billionaire scientist and entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes dropped out of Stanford at age 19 because she thought she could live a life of purpose if she put her ideas to work in a company called Theranos. She spoke at the Computer History Museum's "Revolutionaries" series.January 28, 2015
  • Portraits preserve the stories of Holocaust survivors
    Artist Felix de La Concha interviewed holocaust survivors as he painted their portraits. A video camera captured the process.January 27, 2015
  • Photos: Remembering the horror of Auschwitz 70 years after liberation
    An estimated 1.1 million people perished at the most notorious of the German death camps. Roughly 300 Holocaust survivors from around the world are expected to attend today's ceremony.January 27, 2015
  • Jared Diamond, on 'The World Until Yesterday.'
    Jared Diamond is a physician, biophysicist, ethnographer and a professor of geography at UCLA. The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of "Guns, Germs and Steel," "Collapse," and "The World Until Yesterday" spoke in December 2014 at the Commonwealth Club of California.January 27, 2015
  • A Beautiful World: Leaving a (written) legacy
    Writing a "legacy letter" or an ethical will offers the means to share thoughts, memories, hopes and dreams with future generations.January 26, 2015
  • Goodbye, garden yeti: In-flight SkyMall magazine files for bankruptcy
    The kitschy catalog fell victim to online shopping and the growing ubiquity of in-flight wi-fi, according to the company's Chapter 11 filing.January 23, 2015
  • Who is the new Saudi king?
    King Salman, who has assumed the Saudi monarchy after the death of his half-brother King Abdullah, has promised it will be business as usual in the oil-rich Arab kingdom.January 23, 2015
  • Reunited: Baby orangutan back at Como Zoo with mom
    The baby orangutan was born by cesarean section on Jan. 7 and stayed briefly at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center's ICU.January 23, 2015

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