

  • Longer wait as more Minn. immigrants apply for citizenship
    The number of immigrants applying for U.S. citizenship rose to a record 14,000 last year in Minnesota, increasing wait times as foreign-born residents sought to get ahead of a fee hike and become eligible to vote.January 10, 2008
  • Governor proposes to combat illegal immigration
    Governor Pawlenty anounces executive actions and new laws to stop illegal immigration.Midday, January 8, 2008
  • After 30 years, an interview with mom
    Community organizer Pakou Hang interviewed her mother, Phoua, who was part of the first wave of Hmong refugees to come to the country. Phoua has now lived in the United States far longer than she lived in Laos and explains her feelings about fitting in here in Minnesota.December 7, 2007
  • States press ahead on immigration reform
    Many states are not waiting for immigration reform from Congress and the president, and are forging ahead with their own immigration laws. The result so far is a patchwork -- where some states are stricter than the current federal law, while others are more lenient.Midmorning, November 12, 2007
  • Hmong delegation to arrange for reburial of remains
    Members of St. Paul's Hmong community say they've secured the remains of 211 people who were buried near a Buddhist temple in Thailand where Hmong refugees once lived.October 10, 2007
  • Bush extends stays of thousands of Liberians in U.S.
    About 3,600 Liberians are living in the U.S. under temporary protected status, with one of the largest concentrations in the Twin Cities. Without the extension, they would could have been deported as of Oct. 1.September 13, 2007
  • Immigrants from Africa swelling Minnesota's black population
    Minnesota's black population is growing five times faster than the nation's black population as a whole, largely because of an influx of immigrants from Africa.September 12, 2007
  • Worthington workers sue over tactics in immigration raid
    The lawsuit claims ICE agents hurled insults at the Hispanic workers, ordered female Hispanic workers to disrobe and "otherwise insulted, abused, and humiliated" the plaintiffs during the Dec. 12 raid at the Swift & Co. plant.September 4, 2007
  • Local Somalis help educate students in Minnesota, and Kenya
    A Twin Cities nonprofit group is taking on Somali education on two continents -- in Minnesota and in Africa. Generation for Change and Growth was started by Somali professionals concerned that Somali students were being set up for failure.August 28, 2007
  • Willmar residents add children to case against federal government
    Fifteen children were added Thursday to a lawsuit Willmar residents brought against the federal government over an immigration raid in April that resulted in dozens of arrests.July 26, 2007
  • An American experience
    While the issue of immigration spurs heated debate across the country, the stories of how and why people choose the United States as their home lay the foundation of America. Midday invites immigrants to share their reasons for wanting to become Americans.Midday, July 4, 2007
  • The new melting pot
    As congress debates the merits of the current immigration bill, two scholars join Midmorning to explore whether the current wave of immigrants is redefining what it means to be American and the impact that could have for the nation's future.Midmorning, June 25, 2007
  • Immigration agents arrest 20 people in Austin
    Immigration and Customs officials arrested 20 illegal residents in Austin this week.June 1, 2007
  • West Bank festival has Pan-African vision
    Organizers are developing the Twin Cities' first Pan-African cultural festival. "Afrifest" is designed to introduce Minnesota's African immigrants to each other and the larger population.May 18, 2007
  • Including immigrants in the immigration debate
    The immigration debate continues on Capitol Hill, as lawmakers hammer out a compromise to toughen border enforcement and give foreign workers more opportunities to come to the U.S. legally. Two immigration experts spoke at the University of Minnesota recently, saying the voices of immigrants themselves are absent from the debate.Midday, May 17, 2007

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