

  • U of M research: First connect, then lead
    University of Minnesota Extension research is delving into how leadership shifts in towns with substantial Latino populations.December 12, 2012
  • Investigaciones de University of Minnesota Extension: Conecta primero, dirige después
    Las investigaciones de University of Minnesota Extension estudian los cambios de liderazgo en ciudades con significativas poblaciones latinas.December 12, 2012
  • Latinos y anglosajones: ¿Siguen enfrascados en juegos paralelos?
    Preguntamos a los minesotenses dentro del área de nuestra red Public Insight Network, dónde se estaban forjando conexiones entre los latinos y los anglosajones.December 12, 2012
  • Vidas paralelas, tratando de conectarse
    Luisa Trapero es una rareza, una funcionaria latina electa en una de las ciudades secundarias de Minnesota. A ella le gustaría ayudar a otros latinos a tomar medidas para salvar la brecha entre las culturas latinas y anglo que frecuentemente existen al lado la una de la otra.December 12, 2012
  • Cruzando fronteras culturales en Melrose
    Si un puñado de personas que cruce la brecha cultural hace una gran diferencia en una comunidad, Peggy Stokman en Melrose es una de ellas.December 12, 2012
  • El viaje de una joven inmigrante la lleva a alcanzar el permiso para quedarse
    La residente de St. James, Irma Márquez, se convirtió este mes en una de las primeras latinas del pais en recibir estatus diferido, lo cual le permitió quedarse legalmente en Estados Unidos por dos años y encontrar trabajo. La aceptación marco un hito en un largo viaje, lo cual todavía la deja con desafíos.December 12, 2012
  • Culturas que empiezan a conocerse en los huertos comunitarios de Long Prairie
    Jaime Villalaz y Lyle Danielson no se conocían hasta que empezaron a trabajar en un huerto comunitario que está ayudando a los residentes latinos de Long Prairie a desarrollar una cooperativa agrícola y a salvar la distancia racial del pueblo.December 12, 2012
  • El programa de Northfield reduce la brecha de logros latinos
    Jhosi Martínez, estudiante de cuarto año de escuela secundaria, hace planes para la universidad, algo que hace 10 años hubiera sido casi imposible en su pueblo de Northfield, Minnesota.December 12, 2012
  • Living side by side and looking to connect
    Luisa Trapero is a rarity, an elected Latino official in outstate Minnesota. She'd like to help other Latinos take steps to bridge gaps between Latino and white cultures that often exist side by side.December 12, 2012
  • Language 'No. 1' in bridging Melrose divide
    If a handful of people crossing the cultural divide make a big difference in a community, Peggy Stokman in Melrose is one of them.December 12, 2012
  • Cultures grow on each other in community garden
    Jaime Villalaz and Lyle Danielson didn't know each other until they started working on a community garden that is helping Long Prairie Latino residents build a farmers cooperative and bridging a town racial gap.December 12, 2012
  • Young activists wary of delayed deportation
    A policy shift announced by President Barack Obama in June provides a two-year protection from deportation to certain young people brought to this country illegally and the chance to apply for a work permit. Now the young activist leaders are deciding whether it's worth accepting a deal that falls far short of what they're asking for.October 28, 2012
  • DHS: Deportation proposal could cost $585 million
    The Obama administration's new plan to grant temporary work permits to many young, illegal immigrants who otherwise could be deported may cost the government more than $585 million and require hiring hundreds of new federal employees to process the requests, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press.July 24, 2012
  • Obama's deportation stay late for some immigrants
    Recently deported young people reacted to a recent policy change with frustration and sadness.June 18, 2012
  • Foreign governments seek to channel expats' money
    Foreign governments that once viewed expatriates largely as a source of revenue just for the money they sent home to their families are starting to focus more on helping their citizens succeed in America — so they can invest more in their homeland.May 5, 2012

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