

  • Simoneau discusses the 'third way'
    A former DFL state representative, speaks about a panel's recommendations for a "third way" to resolve the budget standoff.July 7, 2011
  • Detective at odds with top brass, petitions special master
    A detective for the state's Commerce Department today asked a special master that his work be ruled essential.July 7, 2011
  • With government shut down, workers' comp claims in limbo
    Without a working state government, disputes over workers' compensation benefits are on hold, leaving thousands of medical insurance claims in limbo.July 7, 2011
  • The shutdown stalemate enters day 7
    Midmorning gets the latest on the political stalemate at the Capitol, as Minnesota's state government shutdown drags in to its seventh day.Midmorning, July 7, 2011
  • Parents await ruling on child care assistance subsidy
    Affording child care continues to be a concern for the 26,000 subsidized families who are cut off during the state government shutdown, now in its seventh day. A judge could rule to continue distributing funds toward child care.July 7, 2011
  • Federal funds run dry for predatory wolf control program
    A federally funded program that controls predatory wolves in northern Minnesota will soon be out of money, putting livestock and pets at risk.July 7, 2011
  • More negotiations, but no fix yet from Dayton and GOP
    Republicans are calling for a special session, but Gov. Mark Dayton said he's isn't willing to call lawmakers back yet. "We've got the same gulf between us that we've had all along," Dayton said.July 6, 2011
  • Added pain: Shutdown costs millions
    The state's six-day-old shutdown over state spending is costing it millions of dollars - a toll that will only rise the longer it lasts.July 6, 2011
  • Dayton offers new tax plan; Republicans reject it
    DFL Gov. Mark Dayton unveiled a new proposal Wednesday aimed at breaking the budget impasse that has led to the state government shutdown -- and Republicans quickly rejected it.July 6, 2011
  • Delayed payments balances books, but burden schools
    Gov. Dayton and Republican legislative leaders may resort to delaying more payments to Minnesota's public schools as a way to close a $5 billion projected budget gap. That's one tactic that both sides have floated as part of the budget solution. It saves costs to the state, but adds more burden to the school districts.July 5, 2011
  • Social services beg for money in Minn. shutdown
    A second day of hearings were under way Tuesday morning at the the Minnesota Judicial Center. Retired Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Kathleen Blatz is considering whether parts of Minnesota state government should be re-opened.July 5, 2011
  • State government shutdown: day five
    Today starts the first workweek since the state government shut down on July 1. What impact has the last five days had on a political solution, on unemployed worker's anxiety and on Minnesotan's access to government services?Midmorning, July 5, 2011
  • Small tax hike on top earners would be step in right direction
    Income inequality isn't a bad thing, but the economic scales have grown badly out of balance.July 4, 2011
  • Recap: A week of negotiation ends in stalemate
    About 22,000 state employees start off the holiday weekend unemployed. That comes after a week of action in the courts and state Capitol as judges prepared for a government shutdown and lawmakers struggled to avert it. On Monday, the two sides were firmly dug in.July 1, 2011
  • Confusion over which services will be funded
    The sheer size and complexity of the Department of Human Services not only hampers efforts by officials to determine how it will be affected by the shutdown, but also makes difficult communication with those whom are affected.July 1, 2011

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