

  • Ski-jumping stalls in Ely
    Ely's 11 story high ski jump towers above the forest just east of town. But it's been unused for almost 10 years. Officials worry it's become a danger to the public. Officials want to see it used, but might consider selling it, or just tearing it down.December 5, 2002
  • State budget deficit
    Minnesota's looming budget deficit is even larger than expected, with a projected shortfall expected to hit $4.56 billion over the next 2-and-a-half years, state finance officials announced Wednesday. Forecasters had warned for months that the projected deficit might top $3 billion, but the new number staggered lawmakers.December 4, 2002
  • "Big honkin'" deficit expected
    State finance officials release the latest revenue forecast Wednesday, and the news won't be good. The forecast is expected to show a budget deficit of at least $3 billion. Gov.-elect Tim Pawlenty says he won't raise taxes to balance the budget, and he may be eyeing the state's tobacco endowments as part of his budget solution.December 4, 2002
  • Tax bills may shock homeowners
    State revenue officials say property taxes could increase by $451 million, the largest increase in several years. The reason is the property tax reforms passed by the Legislature in 2001. Some DFL lawmakers would like to revisit the changes, but Republican leaders say they stand by the reforms.November 28, 2002
  • Former legislator named Human Services commissioner
    State Rep. Kevin Goodno, a 12-year veteran of the Legislature, was appointed to lead the Minnesota Department of Human Services on Wednesday.November 20, 2002
  • The task ahead
    Having weathered the election, Minnesota's new governor and Minnesota's new legislators now have to govern. The challenges for the new Legislature look daunting. The state is facing a big budget deficit, all the usual and unusual spending requests, and a firm promise from the new governor that he will veto anything that looks like a tax increase. Midday discusses the situation with the new legislative leaders.November 18, 2002
  • Doing more with less
    Gov.-elect Tim Pawlenty says state government has already demonstrated it can increase productivity without consuming more tax dollars. He singled out the state Driver and Vehicle Services agency as an example for doing more with less.November 14, 2002
  • How much pain will no-tax pledge inflict?
    Gov.-elect Tim Pawlenty says he won't raise taxes to address a budget deficit that could top $3 billion. To do that, Pawlenty plans to cut government spending. State agency heads are saying they already cut to the bone under the last budget agreement, and any further cuts will be felt by the public.November 11, 2002
  • School districts ask local voters for financial help
    More than 70 of Minnesota's 341 school districts have proposals on the ballot this fall to raise local taxes. Last November, a record 188 districts held levy referendums and 132 passed. Most of the districts that failed are trying again with new requests. They're also spelling out the bleak budget consequences of another defeat.November 1, 2002
  • Spies and disguise
    James Bond movies, Mission Impossible, and other popular films and TV shows have glamourized espionage and given us a glimpse into how secret agents do their work. A couple of CIA veterans provide a true insiders' view of how spy gadgets and disguise are really used.October 24, 2002
  • Budget outlook is bleak
    New economic figures have Minnesota finance officials predicting the worst budget deficit in a dozen years.October 10, 2002
  • Gubernatorial issue: Stadium
    The excitement around the Minnesota Twins is generating new interest in ballpark plans, and the issue figures to resurface next year when a new governor is sworn in.October 8, 2002
  • Penny seeks new budget forecast before election
    Independence Party gubernatorial candidate Tim Penny asked Gov. Jesse Ventura on Monday to order an updated budget forecast to determine the size of a state deficit before the November election.September 23, 2002
  • Flood aid passes after rocky start
    What leaders thought would be speedy special session to approve a $31.8 million bailout package for flooded areas of northern Minnesota dragged on Thursday after a legislator tried to help farmers in the south. The bill eventually passed both houses unanimously.September 19, 2002
  • Poll: Cuts before taxes
    A new poll finds the state budget and taxes are foremost on many voters' minds when it comes to this year's governor's race. The MPR-St. Paul Pioneer Press poll found respondents prefer balancing the budget with budget cuts instead of raising taxes. Yet more than half of poll respondents also support a gax tax increase, and three out of five would back a cigarette tax hike.September 19, 2002

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