
Energy & Resources

  • Indian business makes energy on Minnesota prairie
    Even before Gov. Pawlenty's trade mission to India, a few Indian companies dot the landscape in Minnesota.October 22, 2007
  • Environmentalists lose effort to stall Big Stone II power plant
    The St. Paul-based Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy led a failed effort to force the project to start over from scratch, after two utilities pulled out of the project last month.October 12, 2007
  • Ethanol industry braces for tough times
    After several years of unprecedented profits, the ethanol industry has taken a downturn. The main problem are low prices for the raw product.October 11, 2007
  • Ethanol prices are falling while corn prices go up
    The price of ethanol is falling, even while corn prices are hitting near record highs. Industry observers say that's putting some U.S. ethanol companies on the brink of bankruptcy.October 3, 2007
  • Small towns turn to alternative power
    Municipal utility companies are finding that in some cases renewable energy may have a price advantage. They're under state pressure to diversify their energy sources.September 30, 2007
  • Xcel wins lawsuit over nuclear waste storage
    Minneapolis-based Xcel Energy has won a court ruling against the U.S. Department of Energy over the government's failure to open the Yucca Mountain nuclear storage facility on time.September 29, 2007
  • Big Stone II power plant suffers setback
    The proposed Big Stone II coal-fired power plant may be downsized following the withdrawal of a major partner.September 18, 2007
  • The Coast Guard makes sure it's 'Always Ready' for an oil spill
    Lake Superior is known for its pristine water, but one oil spill could ruin all that. Coast Guard cutters like the Duluth-based Alder, carry first response equipment in case of a major oil spill.September 3, 2007
  • State and utilities agree on Big Stone II environmental issues
    The deal resolves concerns over mercury emissions, water use, renewable energy and other factors involved in the so-called Big Stone II project, a 630-megawatt power plant planned near the Minnesota-South Dakota border.August 31, 2007
  • Big Stone power plant expansion gets green light
    The proposed Big Stone II coal-fired power plant cleared an important hurdle Wednesday. Two Minnesota administrative law judges gave a favorable recommendation to a power line project needed for the plant. Environmental groups oppose Big Stone II, saying it will contribute to global warming.August 16, 2007
  • Excelsior Energy plans for Iron Range plant hit another snag
    Minnesota's Public Utilities Commission has ruled that the plant is too costly and risky and is not in the public interest. The regulators told Excelsior officials to renew talks with Xcel Energy about buying power from the proposed plant.August 3, 2007
  • Two energy companies square off over Iron Range power plant
    The fate of an Iron Range coal gasification power plant is in the hands of the state's Public Utilities Commission. The question is whether Xcel Energy should be required to purchase the energy produced by the plant. Xcel says it doesn't want to.July 31, 2007
  • Turbocharged plants
    A Minnesota researcher is the first to successfully clone a gene that regulates plant growth. It's a small piece of a big puzzle, but the finding has the potential to increase food production and grow plants genetically engineered for ethanol production.July 31, 2007
  • Not all biofuels are equal
    Midday discusses why some experts are looking beyond ethanol in a search for biofuel energy alternatives.Midday, July 25, 2007
  • Xcel praised for cleaner energy moves
    The Allen S. King plant is the first of three Xcel coal-fired plants to go online with cleaner energy. The plant conversions are part of a 2001 emissions reduction agreement with the state Legislature.July 25, 2007

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