New Common Core standards changing U.S. education

Todd Marder
In this Thursday, March 22, 2012 photo, teacher Todd Marder works with a group of St. Paul Music Academy students studying electrical circuits during an enrichment period, in St. Paul, Minn.
AP Photo/ Jim Mone

A profound change in educational standards and assessments is quietly underway. By 2014, almost every state in the country will have the same demanding standards for what students need to know before they graduate high school.

How will the Common Core State Standards Initiative change education as we know it? What can we expect going forward? And why is Minnesota one of only five states not adopting the measures?

Susan Headden, senior writer and editor at Education Sector, wrote about these updated standards in Washington Monthly:

"While not a unified national curriculum, the common core will lay down a set of high, unified standards--rubrics that define what students should be able to know and do by, say, the end of third grade. Those standards will be enough to defragment the American testing market. With them will come a set of completely new, interactive, computerized tests that promise to be much like what you'd find in Singapore or Australia or an AP classroom--exams that test higher-order thinking by asking students to show, in a variety of different ways, whether they have mastered a set of working concepts."

Headden joined The Daily Circuit Tuesday to discuss these new standards. Mike Petrilli, executive vice president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, also joined the discussion.

ALSO THIS HOUR: Why did Minnesota skip the math Common Core standards?

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