Abortion restriction bills advance at Capitol

The House and Senate have each passed separate legislation that would place restrictions on clinics that provide abortions.

One bill would require a doctor to be physically present when giving women an abortion medication called RU-486. The other would require facilities that provide abortions to be licensed and be subject to random inspections.

Republican Sen. Claire Robling told lawmakers the licensure bill is needed to prevent the kind of dangerous conditions found in a few abortion clinics in other states.

"We just want to shine a little light into those rooms and make sure that these procedures are being handled well," Robling said. "I will say that we've been fortunate not to have any major disastrous reports coming from our current clinics, but this is why you put regulations in place."

DFL opponents say the bill isn't needed and unfairly singles out clinics that provide abortions. The bill still needs House approval.