Why are young adults moving back in with their parents?

'The Accordion Family' by Katherine Newman
Book cover courtesy of publisher

With high unemployment rates and the cost of living continuing to rise, sociologist Katherine Newman is out with a new book looking at the rising number of "accordion families."

In her book, "The Accordion Family," Newman looks at households with adult children older than 21 living with their parents.

"Since about the early 1980s, we've seen a pretty steady increase in the proportion of young people of this age group that have been either moving back with their parents or who don't leave in the first place," Newman told NPR. "And that's mainly because the economy has been changing in ways that make it difficult for young people to find entry level employment that really pays enough for them to be independent. As well in the middle class, where we see ambitions for professional futures, it takes longer and longer and more and more money to achieve the kind of educational credentials needed to launch a middle class professional life."

Newman will join The Daily Circuit Wednesday to talk about her new book.