The Dinner Party Download featuring Christian Lander

Christian Lander
Christian Lander writes the satirical blog "Stuff White People Like."
Photo by Jess Lander

This week on the Dinner Party Download...

Icebreaker: David Hidalgo
David Hidalgo of Grammy-nominated band Los Lobos leads us to a punchline like moths to a flame.

Small Talk: Patt Morrison
Patt Morrison, LA Times columnist and host of her own talk show on KPCC-FM, tells us how the California prison system discovered Festivus isn't kosher.

A History Lesson with Booze:
When the insidious boll weevil cottoned on to Enterprise, Alabama back in 1915, the town quite literally went nuts. Hear the tale, then try a "See No Weevil"- a philosophy and a custom cocktail courtesy of Wes Fraser, bartender at the Bottletree cafe in Birmingham, Alabama.

Guest of Honor: Christian Lander
Christian Lander's satirical blog "Stuff White People Like" -- a witty and perceptive catalog of the desires of a certain class of caucasians -- is an Internet phenomenon that's generated two books, the latest being "Whiter Shades Of Pale." Lander explains why he's not racist, why he botched the GRE, and why Toronto isn't as white as you might think. Hear more from Christian Lander, and listen in as Brendan tracks the food-trendologist trend, at

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