The Dinner Party Download featuring Robert Reich

Robert Reich
Former secretary of labor Robert Reich.
Photo by Perian Flaherty

This week on the Dinner Party Download...

Matt Elkin of punk band The So-So Glos desserts good taste with a bad pun.

Small Talk:
Opus Moreschi, Emmy-winning writer for The Colbert Report, tells Rico & Brendan about the Navy's high-tech method for killing tree snakes. Hint: it involves Tylenol.

A History Lesson With Booze:
The story of a movie that sounded the death knell for the silent era and for a legendary producer... followed by a cocktail recipe that raises the dead.

Guest of Honor: Robert Reich
Robert Reich was former Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton. He's now a professor at Berkeley and author of the new book "Aftershock: The Next Economy and America's Future." He talks to Brendan about income disparity... and why a woman approached him on the street and told him he should be ashamed of himself.

Hear a longer version of the show -- including The Southwest Food and Beverage Museum's Liz Williams talking about illegal food -- at