Molnau backs Tom Emmer in gov's race

Lt. Gov. Carol Molnau is backing Republican State Rep. Tom Emmer's bid for governor. Molnau said Monday she thinks Emmer is best equipped to lead the state.

"He has a lot of credibility among a lot people across the state, and I also know he's a determined person," said Molnau. "He's a strong person and that's what it takes to run a statewide campaign. I also know he's true to his word, and he will serve the people of this state in their interest -- not his."

Molnau's endorsement could help Emmer attract Republican support at the GOP Party Convention in April. But it could bring some opposition as well because of Molnau's position as a political lightning rod.

Molnau was the state transportation commissioner when the I-35W bridge collapsed in 2007. The Minnesota Senate ousted her from that job in 2008.

One of Emmer's top rivals for the Republican endorsement, State Rep. Marty Seifert, also announced an endorsement Monday. Long-time Republican National Committee woman Evie Axdahl is backing him. There are a total of seven Republicans running for governor.