State's gas tax goes up today

Clark Johnson
Clark Johnson of Anoka pumps gas at Casey's. Johnson is not happy that Minnesota's gas tax will be going up.
MPR Photo/Molly Bloom

The gas tax increase was included in a transportation bill that became law in late February after lawmakers overrode a veto by Governor Tim Pawlenty.

It was the first time one of Gov. Pawlenty's vetoes had ever been overridden.

As a result of the vote, the state's gas tax will go up 5.5 cents as a way to raise more than $6 billion for road and bridge construction.

That 5.5 cents is coming in stages, however.

April first marks the first increase of two cents. The entire increase will be in place by October.

Governor Pawlenty's said the override had started a taxpayer revolt that would end on Election Day, but for some it hasn't even taken that long.

The override needed a handful of Republican votes to succeed, and some of those Republicans have since lost their party endorsements, another dropped out of her re-election race altogether.

Supporters say the higher gas tax will raise much needed money to fix aging roads and bridges.

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