Immigration officials conduct enforcement action in Worthington

Officials with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirm that an immigration enforcement action is underway in Worthington and in Sioux Falls, S.D.

U.s. Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials will not say how many people have been arrested.

Attorney Gloria Contreras-Edin with Centro Legal in the Twin Cities said her group has spoken by telephone with three people detained by ICE in the Nobles County jail in Worthington.

"ICE agents have knocked on individual family doors, family home doors, and are looking for individuals who've had prior orders for deportation," said Contreras-Edin.

Nobles County jail officials could not be reached for comment.

There is no indication the latest action stems from the fatal bus crash in Cottonwood involving a woman who officials say is in the country illegally.

Earlier this week ICE officials conducted raids in other Midwestern states, including Wisconsin and Illinois.

Two major ICE enforcement actions in Minnesota in the last 15 months have resulted in nearly 300 arrests.

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