Meeting "The Almost Guys" - almost

The chase
Rick (Eric Fleming) takes off after a repo mission goes wrong. As well as playing the lead in "The Almost Guys" Fleming also wrote and directed the film.
Image courtesy Karma Films

The result is "The Almost Guys," a movie about two bumbling repo men who get caught up in a kidnapping plot.

Michaud and Fleming
Andrea Michaud and Eric Fleming are the two driving forces behind "The Almost Guys"
MPR Photo/Euan Kerr

It did well on the festival circuit. Now, Fleming and Michaud are back in Minnesota, where she grew up, showing the film and talking about their experiences making it.

There is a lot to talk about: Michaud produced the film, while Fleming wrote, directed and played the lead. They also plan to be married.

Fleming and Michaud told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr the idea began with certain people he'd met over the years.

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