Wednesday, June 28, 2023

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The Jazz Connection
The Jazz Connection
A Farewell Note from host Maryann Sullivan
Dear Jazz Friends,

Due to programming changes at Minnesota Public Radio, I regret that The Jazz Connection will no longer be aired on MPR. It has been my pleasure the past 15 months to meet with you every Saturday night and share the music I hold in such high regard and for which I am so passionate: Jazz! I hope you will take a moment to listen to one of The Jazz Connection programs available in the archive and to listen as well to an interview with one of the many fantastic artists I was fortunate enough to have conversed with during the last year. I will dearly miss our weekly time together. Now, treat yourself and go hear some live music! As Billy Strayhorn used to say... "forever onward and upward!"

Hope to see you soon...

—Maryann Sullivan

Playlists and Archived Shows

Browse through Maryann's playlists and listen to archived shows



Send a note to host Maryann Sullivan.

The Jazz Image™

Visit the archives of The Jazz Image™; Leigh Kamman's long-running Jazz program.

Program Schedule
No longer airing


The Jazz Connection is broadcast Saturday from 9 pm–midnight on Minnesota Public Radio News & Information stations, including KNOW in the Twin Cities.



Have a question or comment on The Jazz Connection? Use our contact form to get in touch with Maryann Sullivan.

Weekly Music Listings

To look up music played, go to the archive page.

Local Live Jazz

See our Jazz Events page for dates, times, locations and ticket info for live jazz performances, or submit an event of your own.


Browse through and listen to a number of interviews with folks on the jazz scene.

Purchase Music

Public Radio Market Buy the music you hear on The Jazz Connection — and support Minnesota Public Radio at the same time!