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News & Features
Campaign 2004

Candidate Profiles

News Headlines
John Muenich
John Muenich
Party: DFL
Residence: Loretto, MN
Web site:

Statement from the candidate:
Public education is the cornerstone of both democracy and a free society, yet next year the most important funding, state per-pupil funding, will be frozen for the third year in a row. Demanding reforms while starving the necessary funding will not produce results. Would a business expect to create new or improved products if it cut its research and development? Not only are our kids facing competition from other states, they are facing competition from countries like India, China, and Mexico where people are willing to work for a fraction of what our kids will expect to make for incomes. We have a responsibility to fund their futures with more than budget freezes and deficits.

Age: 32
Occupation: Business Education Teacher, Wayzata High School
Education: -UW-Eau Claire - Bachelors of Business Administration -UW-Stout - Bachelors of Science, Marketing Education -St.Cloud State - Masters of Science, Educational Leadership Activities: Hunting, fishing, coaching football

On the Issues:

Should increased taxes be considered as part of a solution to a projected budget deficit?

Should gambling be expanded in Minnesota to generate new revenue for the state?

Should state funds — directly or indirectly — be used to build new sports facilities for the Twins and Vikings?

Do you support Gov Pawlenty's JOBZ zones program?

Should K-12 spending in Minnesota be curtailed in order to balance a projected budget deficit?

Should a constitutional amendment be presented to voters that would ban same-sex marriage in Minnesota?

Should the state spend money for expanding mass transit options in Minnesota?

Should there be additional restrictions on abortion in Minnesota?

Should the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, which seeks to protect wildlife habitat and wetlands by paying farmers for taking marginal lands out of agriculture production, be supported?

Should the state's subsidized health care program be trimmed in order to reduce a projected budget deficit?
