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Democratic presidential candidates curb their politeness, throw elbows at each other
Democrat Howard Dean's claim that he is the only white politician who talks about race to white audiences drew criticism Wednesday from one of his presidential rivals. Sen. John Edwards said the entire field discusses racial issues on the campaign trail.
Presidential politics gearing up
Even though the first presidential primary is not until January 2004, potential Democratic candidates are beginning to campaign and debate. At the same time, President Bush is on track to top his campaign fund of 2000, but his approval rating is slipping.
Kennedy remarks on Iraq
Minnesota 6th district republican Congressman Mark Kennedy talks about his recent trip to Iraq, and the major issues facing Congress this fall.
Democrat makes candidacy official as he struggles to right campaign
Democrat John Kerry, seeking to regain his political footing, formally launched his presidential candidacy Tuesday by offering his Vietnam War-hero credentials and Senate tenure as an alternative to President Bush's record.
Bush holds fundraiser in St. Paul
President Bush pulled in more than $1 million Tuesday at a downtown St. Paul fundraiser for his re-election. Speaking at the RiverCentre in front of several hundred people, Bush touted his accomplishments in the White House over the past two and a half years, and said his work in Washington has only begun.
President's seventh visit to Minnesota to raise campaign funds
President Bush visits Minnesota Tuesday to raise money for his 2004 re-election campaign. The president will appear at a $2,000 a plate lunch in downtown St. Paul that is expected to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars for his campaign.
Minnesota politics is hot
Charges and countercharges are flying back and forth between Minnesota's DFL and Republican parties. Republicans are circulating "DFL lies on a stick" at the Minnesota State Fair, and the DFLers have hinted they might try a recall effort against Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty. The chairs of the two major parties hash out some of these issues.
Dennis Kucinich at the Commonwealth Club
Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich may be a relative newcomer to presidential politics, but he's been involved in public life for some 30 years. In 1977, when he was 31 years old, he was elected the mayor of Cleveland. At the time, he was the youngest person ever elected mayor of a major city. He was defeated when he ran for re-election two years later but he was back on the ballot in the 1990's and is now in his fourth term as a congressman from Ohio. We hear a speech Dennis Kucinich gave at the Commonwealth Club of California.
In Minnesota visit, Kucinich invokes the legacy of Wellstone
Though the Democratic presidential nominating convention isn't until next summer, several of the nine candidates vying for George Bushs' job have been making Minnesota a must-stop state on the campaign trail. Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich is the latest candidate to roll into Minnesota. He spoke to hundreds of supporters this weekend at rally at Central High School in St. Paul.
Presidential buzzwords
In a two-week series of stories for National Public Radio, Slate political analyst William Saletan deconstructs the political language used by presidential candidates.
Fans camp out for Clinton
Former first lady and New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton signed copies of her memoir Living History at the Mall of America on Tuesday. About 600 people lined up for the book signing.
Liberal democrats look for an edge
Liberal Democrats are using the internet and candidate camps to bolster the progressive wing of the party. They believe the time is coming for more left-leaning Democrats to be elected to state houses and Congress, maybe even the White House.
Kerry details Internet petition drive on overtime
Sen. John Kerry made a swing through Minnesota Tuesday, the second day of an Internet pledge drive protesting a proposal to change overtime pay standards. "This is not about politics," he told a group of nurses. "This is about people."
Protesters and supporters greet Bush economic team
Three of President George Bush's top economic advisors stopped in Minnesota Wednesday to promote the president's economic recovery package. They made appearances in Rochester, St. Paul, and Richfield. The trio highlighted tax cuts signed into law earlier this year -- and said the cuts will jumpstart a sluggish economy. But DFLers say after two and a half years with Bush in the White House, the country continues to lose jobs.
Bush economic team faces tough questions on Midwest tour
President Bush's economic team traveled through Wisconsin Tuesday to promote the president's economic policies. Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, Commerce Secretary Don Evans and Treasury Secretary John Snow will bring their "Jobs and Growth" bus tour to Minnesota Wednesday. Democrats say the team has nothing to brag about, since there's been little job creation under President Bush.

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