
People & Places

  • Mauer and Santana All-Stars, Liriano has chance
    Minnesota Twins pitcher Johan Santana and catcher Joe Mauer will be in Pittsburgh next week for baseball's All Star Game. MPR's Cathy Wurzer spoke with sports commentator Steve Rudolph.July 3, 2006
  • In so many words
    Word up, diddy. You just made your way into the Oxford English Dictionary. The foremost authority on words announces its newest additions.June 23, 2006
  • Martha Anderson at 105
    Martha Anderson of rural Gilbert turns 105 this week. She lives in her own home, cooks her meals, brings flowers to church, and refuses to use the elevator -- she says it's for old people.June 22, 2006
  • "Sisters in Law" deliver justice in Cameroon
    In a small village in the west African nation of Cameroon, two women mete out justice with a special emphasis on women's rights. That's the theme that runs through a new documentary film called "Sisters in Law," which opens at the Twin Cities Bell Museum Friday.June 22, 2006
  • Do you hear what I hear?
    A high-pitched tone marketed by a British security company to repel teenagers has found a new use as a ringtone adults can't hear.June 21, 2006
  • More dads stay home to raise kids
    Sunday is Father's Day, and an increasing number of fathers are defying traditional gender roles and redefining what it means to be a dad. Tom Vytlacil is one of those fathers. He is a stay-at-home dad and an organizer of a group called Minnesota Dads at Home.June 16, 2006
  • Report: Meth lab busts down 78 percent in Minnesota
    The most recent snapshot of illegal drug activity in Minnesota has a mix of good and bad news. A new Hazelden Foundation report says Minnesota has seen a 78 percent decrease in methamphetamine lab busts over the last year. But it says more people are dying from opiate overdoses caused by drugs like heroin, methadone and oxycodone.June 15, 2006
  • Meeting "The Almost Guys" - almost
    At a time when many Hollywood movies celebrate larger-than-life characters engaged in cataclysmic events, Eric Fleming and Andrea Michaud wanted to do something a little different. They wanted to make a comedy about ordinary people.June 14, 2006
  • Heaney looks back - and forward
    A powerhouse in the DFL party is retiring. Judge Gerald Heaney has ruled from the federal bench -- and influenced Minnesota politics -- for 40 years.June 14, 2006
  • Jamming with John Williams and Dean Magraw
    St Paul based guitarist Dean Magraw, and Chicago-based accordianist John Williams have a new album of celtic music. It's called "Raven." The two musicians have played together regularly but never released a CD, so it's eagerly awaited by their fans.June 13, 2006
  • Spanish language radio builds in Minnesota
    You've got to work a little to hear Spanish language radio in the Twin Cities. There's a smattering of programs on community stations. But, if you know where to look, there are now two 24-hour Spanish language stations going head to head for listeners.June 11, 2006
  • Helping the woodcock
    Woodcocks are one of the smallest gamebirds in Minnesota. Their numbers have been shrinking for nearly 40 years. A federal plan should be in place this fall to begin trying to reverse that population decline.June 6, 2006
  • Carlsen twins are heading home
    Formerly conjoined twins Abbigail and Isabelle Carlsen return home to Fargo, N.D. tomorrow. The girls were separated at Mayo Clinic three weeks ago. Their recovery has been smooth, and doctors say, all being well, they'll need little additional medical care.June 5, 2006
  • Jill rides again
    At a horse show near Cannon Falls this weekend, one woman's dream will come true. Jill Krimmel of Buffalo, Minnesota, was a familiar face at Saddlebred horse shows across the region until she suffered a devastating stroke. After an amazing recovery, Krimmel is back in the saddle.June 2, 2006
  • Rescued wolf hybrids moving to sanctuary
    Nineteen timberwolf hybrids at the Golden Valley Animal Humane Society will be moved to a 180-acre wolf sanctuary in Colorado, after being rescued from a farm in western Wisconsin. "Wolf dogs," as they are sometimes called, are increasingly being bred as exotic pets.May 31, 2006

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