
People & Places

  • The ethicist is in
    Ethics writer Randy Cohen helps callers with their ethical dilemmas and defends the answers he's given in his weekly columns.Midmorning, March 5, 2007
  • Former bartender sues Winter Carnival, Vulcan Krewe
    The young woman is the third of three bartenders involved in the incident to file a lawsuit. The incident occured on Feb. 1, 2005, at a St. Paul bar during the Winter Carnival.March 2, 2007
  • Planning underway for Minnesota's 150th birthday
    Gov. Pawlenty and members of a special state commission outlined early plans Thursday for next year's celebration of the 150th anniversary of Minnesota's statehood.March 1, 2007
  • March brings holiday madness
    March is a month of Shamrock Shakes and Lent-inspired fish fries. But it's also a time to celebrate scrapbooking, eye donation and frozen food.March 1, 2007
  • Ira Glass' "This American Life" hits the Twin Cities
    Ira Glass talks about taking a public radio program to Showtime.February 28, 2007
  • Hospital closing brings Ivanhoe full circle
    The demands of a changing health care system troubles all hospitals but especially ones in small towns. The latest Minnesota hospital to close is in the community of Ivanhoe.February 26, 2007
  • Bill may increase commercial trout fishing on Lake Superior
    Commercial fishermen along the North Shore of Lake Superior could be allowed to bring more lake trout to market.February 26, 2007
  • With the help of a St. Paul man, the South comes to terms with civil rights era crimes
    Dozens of old civil rights era murder investigations in southern states have been revived. A St. Paul man, Chuck McDew, monitors the results with interest because he knew some of the victims. Many were civil rights workers who like McDew were registering black voters in the early 1960s.February 26, 2007
  • Another day, another dollar
    The government wants Americans to embrace its new dollar coins. Would a more creative design result in more bang for the buck?February 23, 2007
  • Lake Superior heats up
    Scientists explore why Lake Superior is warming quicker than air around itFebruary 23, 2007
  • Keith Ellison's view of politics
    Keith Ellison has garnered a fair amount of attention since he was elected to Congress in November. He is the state's first black congressman, and the first and only Muslim in Congress. Ellison called for a "new politics of generosity and inclusion" Thursday at the University of Minnesota Law School.Midday, February 23, 2007
  • International Falls and Colorado town battle over "Icebox" title
    There's a cold war heating up between the northern border town of International Falls and Fraser, Colo. Both communities claim to be the "Icebox of the Nation." It's now up to federal trademark officials to decide who's right.February 23, 2007
  • First-time director changes his homeland -- and gets an Oscar nomination
    First-time film director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck may well have changed Germany. His film, "The Lives of Others," is the first drama to delve into the way the Stasi, the East German police, spied on ordinary citizens during communism.February 22, 2007
  • Parents debate HPV vaccination
    Minnesota parents debate the pros and cons of a proposal to require an HPV vaccine for 12-year-old girls.February 22, 2007
  • Continuing the struggle
    Longtime civil rights activist Andrew Young was part of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s inner circle. He'll talk about black presidential candidates past and present, and about his role in advancing civil rights, particularly in the South.Midmorning, February 21, 2007

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