
People & Places

  • Behind the urge to buy
    Overall, the frugal outnumber the spenders according to recent research. That's not true of people aged 21 - 30, who are spending beyond their means. Midmorning examines the research and the mindset behind the trend to spend.Midmorning, April 21, 2008
  • Pennsylvania primary
    After more than a month of criss-crossing the Keystone state, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are headed for one more primary vote. Analysts view this latest contest as a test of Clinton's support among blue collar voters.Midmorning, April 21, 2008
  • Arts economy snapshot
    Regional arts groups haven't yet felt the effects of an ailing economy, but they're concerned about the future.April 20, 2008
  • Hundreds gather on Harriet Island to celebrate Earth Day
    Hundreds of people gathered on Harriet Island in Saint Paul Sunday to take part in Wishes for the Sky. The second-annual event celebrates Earth Day, which will be observed around the world on Tuesday, April 22.April 20, 2008
  • The joy of pipa
    Gao Hong is the master of the ancient Chinese lute known as the pipa. Since arriving in Minnesota, she's taken the instrument into surprising new territories by collaborating with musicians from a diverse range of cultures and traditions. She's making her Carnegie Hall debut this month.April 18, 2008
  • Three bears arrive at Minnesota Zoo
    The animals will be part of the new Russia's Grizzly Coast, which opens in June.April 18, 2008
  • Southwest High School goes for national chess 'three-peat'
    Southwest High competes for its third national chess championship this weekend in Atlanta.April 18, 2008
  • 2008 MSP International Film Festival set to launch
    The 26th Annual Minneapolis St Paul International Film Festival kicks off tonight. Critics agree, with the largest selection of films ever shown at the event, this year's festival has much to offer.April 17, 2008
  • Triple Espresso - strong till the end
    One of the longest-running shows in the Twin Cities is coming to an end. Triple Espresso's final curtain call is at the end of the month after a 12-year run.April 16, 2008
  • State sesquicentennial celebration draws near
    Midday previews the upcoming Statehood Week and Minnesota's "Sesquicentennial Summer," with Jane Leonard and Reatha Clark King of the Sesquicentennial Commission.Midday, April 16, 2008
  • Archbishop's successor to attend Pope's prayer service
    Bishop John Nienstedt said seeing the Pope this week will help him prepare for his new assignment.April 15, 2008
  • Author: Life can get in the way of a well-planned death
    Geoff Herbach's new novel, "The Miracle Letters of T. Rimberg," tells a story in a very different and potentially controversial way. Most of the story is presented as suicide notes written by one man.April 15, 2008
  • NPR correspondent Mara Liasson
    Mara Liasson, NPR's national political correspondent, offers insight and analysis of the 2008 presidential campaign in a speech she gave as part of the College of St. Catherine's Forum on Women in Leadership.Midday, April 15, 2008
  • Desmond Tutu avoids politics while talking about peace
    In a speech last night in Minneapolis, Archbishop Desmond Tutu called for less spending on defense and urged more funding for education and poverty reduction.April 12, 2008
  • May celebration to launch sesquicentennial events
    The Minnesota Sesquicentennial Commission announced plans Friday for a week-long observance of "Statehood Week" in May.April 12, 2008

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