
People & Places

  • Former Bishop of Winona Loras Watters dies
    Bishop Loras Joseph Watters, who led the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona from 1969-1987, has died. He was 93.March 31, 2009
  • Bruce Coppock among Sally Award winners
    Each year the Ordway present the Sally awards to individuals or institutions for their contributions to the state's cultural life. This year the Ordway is recognizing Bruce Coppock, former managing director of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra.March 31, 2009
  • Relatives of missing Somali men use homeland ties in search
    Families of some of the young Somali-American men who are thought to be fighting with Islamic extremists in the Horn of Africa are trying their own methods to bring them safely home. They've turned to friends in the new Somali government and U.S. officials at neighboring embassies to help.March 30, 2009
  • Fargo's mayor in the spotlight
    Fargo's mayor, Dennis Walaker, handles the flooding Red River the same way he deals with federal officials, swarms of reporters, and Fargo citizens -- with a stubborn determination softened by a gentle sense of humor.March 30, 2009
  • Parents of imprisoned journalist heading to Iran
    The father of imprisoned journalist Roxana Saberi says he and his wife are traveling from Fargo to Iran to see his daughter and speed her release.March 30, 2009
  • Fed money stimulates construction of NE MN physics lab
    Stimulus money will fund dozens of jobs to build a big physics experiment in northeast Minnesota.March 26, 2009
  • Expansion of national service programs on the horizon
    Congress worked in a bipartisan way on one proposal: Both the House and Senate have bills to expand national service. Midmorning examines what that legislation will mean for volunteer-heavy non profits.Midmorning, March 26, 2009
  • Scientists track golden eagle as it soars
    The weather might not be perfect today, but it won't matter much to one large golden eagle. The eagle will get to be in the wild again, after spending weeks in the Twin Cities, recovering from an injury.March 25, 2009
  • U of M resumes nuns' Alzheimer's study
    The Nun Study, which originated at the U of M in 1986, gained worldwide attention for its insights into Alzheimer's disease.March 25, 2009
  • Book explores life-changing movies
    A couple of years ago, Variety magazine editor Robert Hofler began asking prominent people what movies changed their lives. Hofler first published the responses in a column in Variety. Now he's produced an entire book called "The Movie that Changed My Life."March 24, 2009
  • Plan would put Lake Wobegon County on the map
    Sen. Tarryl Clark, DFL-St. Cloud, is introducing a bill that would combine all of Stearns and Benton counties and the northern part of Sherburne County. Right now she's calling it "Lake Wobegon County."March 24, 2009
  • People-watching is the goal of a U of M student group
    A student group at the University of Minnesota is dedicated to people-watching. Learning is involved.March 20, 2009
  • Mauer won't be ready for Twins opening day
    Minnesota Twins catcher Joe Mauer says he won't be ready to play by opening day due to lingering pain and inflammation in his lower back.March 20, 2009
  • Olson husband: No comments for family's safety
    Former 1970s radical Sara Jane Olson planned to avoid speaking out after being freed from prison because of concern for her family's safety, her husband said Thursday.March 19, 2009
  • The Vet talks pets
    Veterinarian Kate An Hunter and her dog Ansel stop by the Minnesota Public Radio studios to answer questions about animal training and behavior.Midday, March 19, 2009

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