
People & Places

  • Rallies for WikiLeaks soldier planned in Mpls., other cities
    Supporters of the Army private charged with leaking classified material to WikiLeaks are calling for his release at rallies and events scheduled through this weekend in 18 U.S. cities, including one in Minneapolis on Friday.September 16, 2010
  • Freed American stays out of spotlight in Oman
    American Sarah Shourd is staying out of the spotlight for a second day in Oman's seaside capital after being released from an Iranian prison.September 16, 2010
  • Honoring St. Paul's retired firefighters
    Cathy Wurzer talked with a current and retired St. Paul firefighters about the history African-American firefighters in St. Paul.September 16, 2010
  • 1,550 miles around Lake Superior, on foot
    On April 29, Mike Link and Kate Crowley set out on a 1,550-mile trek around Lake Superior. The hikers are nearly done with their journey and sent us these photos from their trip. EDITOR'S NOTE: Link and Crowley estimated in April that their trip would be 1,800 miles, which MPR had reported, but now say it will be about 1,550 miles.September 15, 2010
  • Mothers hope 2 hikers released soon from Iran
    The mothers of two American hikers who have been detained in Iran for more than a year say they hope their sons will be released soon, now that the third hiker has been freed.September 15, 2010
  • TV correspondent Edwin Newman dies
    NBC News says its longtime correspondent and language cop Edwin Newman has died. He was 91.September 15, 2010
  • American freed by Iran plans medical exam in Oman
    Omani officials say the American woman released from an Iranian prison plans to see a doctor on her first full day of freedom in more than 13 months following a surprise bail deal.September 15, 2010
  • Voices of the homeless featured in Mpls. photography show
    A new photography show in downtown Minneapolis lets visitors learn more than usual about the people in the portraits. The exhibition is called "Homeless is my address, not my name."September 15, 2010
  • An accidental journalist
    Laurie Hertzel got her start as an unlikely reporter in Duluth Minnesota. She describes her evolution from shy newsroom observer to an international correspondent on an assignment in Russia and her current gig at the Star Tribune.Midmorning, September 15, 2010
  • American woman freed by Iran is grateful, humbled
    Sarah Shourd arrived in Oman on a private government jet after flying out of Iran following her release from prison there. She was greeted with an embrace from her mother and then, looking relaxed and smiling, they strolled arm-in-arm on their way out.September 14, 2010
  • Your photos: Scenes from around Minnesota
    We asked you to send us your photos, and we weren't disappointed. Check out these images of helpful puppies, dramatic North Shore storms ... and more.September 13, 2010
  • Iran bail decision on American stirs backlash
    Iran's internal battles over the handling of American detainee Sarah Shourd flared again Monday as the mouthpiece of the powerful Revolutionary Guard led the backlash against a decision to free her on $500,000 bail.September 13, 2010
  • Minnesota man rebuilds after flood, opens cafe
    Like many in this community of 1,600, Eric Hoiland was forced to rebuild his life after an epic flood three years ago wiped out his turkey operation, drowning his flock of turkeys and scattering them around town.September 13, 2010
  • Amateur rocketeers ready Miss September for launch
    Craig Nelson's weekend hobby turns one well-worn cliche on its head. In this case, it is rocket science.September 13, 2010
  • Library book returned 35 years later
    A reader who borrowed a book from the Winona Public Library has avoided a $1,400 fine.September 13, 2010

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