
People & Places

  • MPR special reports on Somalis in Minnesota
    One third of the Somalis living in the United States live in Minnesota. Hear a series of MPR special reports by Laura Yuen on their lives here.Midday, December 16, 2010
  • Farmer spreads $3 million around his small town
    A retired farmer had a reputation in his small Minnesota town for being very frugal. So, when the checks arrived at the senior center, fire department, churches and other places in Le Roy following the farmer's death, surprise would be an understatement.December 15, 2010
  • Reality TV gave her a doorway to her ancestral home
    Minneapolis woman went to Norway as a contestant, and came home with enough material to write a book.December 15, 2010
  • Candy co. staff meet in Fargo, not Hawaii after missing sales goals
    There is an old saying in the sales business: Always be closing. Here is a new one: Always be freezing, if you do not sell enough.December 14, 2010
  • Guide dog lost in freezing cold returned to owner
    A guide dog lost in freezing weather has been reunited with his owner in St. Paul.December 14, 2010
  • FAQ: American Community Survey
    For the first time, the U.S. Census Bureau is releasing data collected through its American Community Survey over a five-year period.December 14, 2010
  • Stretching your dollar during the holidays
    From online coupon codes to daily deal coupons, group-buying and social networking sites are providing new tools for thrifty consumers. Professional deal-spotter John Ewoldt has tips for spotting and using these tools.Midmorning, December 14, 2010
  • The New Yorker's Ian Frazier tells tales from Siberia
    Ian Frazier shares travel stories from his new book, "Travels in Siberia" for the Talk of the Stacks series at the Hennepin County Library in downtown Minneapolis. Ian Frazier is a writer for the New Yorker and has visited Siberia a number of times over the past decade. His book is a fascinating look at Russia since the end of the cold war, and a chronicle of Siberia's contributions to science, economics, and politics to the world.Midday, December 13, 2010
  • Author writes about a different kind of traveling
    Tony Hiss writes about travel, but not in terms of exotic spots to visit. He writes about the actual movement from place to place.December 13, 2010
  • MPR News photos of the week
    A new governor, Hanukkah and a remembrance of Pearl Harbor were in the news this week.December 10, 2010
  • Alexandria man is a big hit in Norway
    Grant Aaseng lives a quiet life as a Lutheran minister in Alexandria, Minn. He's no celebrity.Yet the last time he was in Oslo, Norway, the ticket takers and security agents at the airport all recognized him.December 9, 2010
  • Humane Society to require counseling before surrendering pets
    Starting January 1, the Twin Cities-based Animal Humane Society will require people who want to turn in pets to make an appointment and go through a counseling process before they can surrender the animals. It's an attempt to reduce the number of animals that need to be euthanized.December 8, 2010
  • Fans remember John Lennon 30 years after his death
    John Lennon's fans celebrated his life Wednesday by visiting Strawberry Fields, the Central Park garden dedicated in his honor, while a newly released interview he gave shortly before his death showed he was optimistic about his future.December 8, 2010
  • Superior rejects ban on fast food toys
    A ban on fast food trinkets is rejected by the Superior councilors, with opponents objecting to government interference in parental matters.December 8, 2010
  • Elizabeth Edwards' legacy: toughness amid tragedy
    Americans knew Elizabeth Edwards in large part through her tragedies, but more importantly, they knew her for the vitality and determination she showed through them.December 8, 2010

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