
People & Places

  • 'Spay Day' offers reminders to sterilize pets
    Your dogs and cats may not be celebrating, but this Tuesday is "Spay Day" - a national reminder to get your pets spayed and neutered to help control the population of unwanted animals in the United States.February 22, 2011
  • Groups moving forward with program to help north Mpls. families succeed
    Despite not winning a federal grant, a group of Minneapolis community leaders are moving ahead anyway with plans for a Northside Achievement Zone they hope will help north Minneapolis children make it to college and succeed in life.February 22, 2011
  • Bright Ideas with Sarah Hicks
    Sarah Hicks is the first woman to hold a titled conductor post in the Minnesota Orchestra's history and she also heads the innovative "Inside the Classics" series. She joined Stephen Smith for Bright Ideas at the UBS forum on Feb. 22, 2011.February 22, 2011
  • Lack of housing forcing high volume of sex offenders into metro neighborhoods
    Many released sex offenders find housing in the Twin Cities -- specifically in north Minneapolis and east St. Paul, and it's become a concern for some of the people who already live there.February 21, 2011
  • Rapper deconstructs critique song and finds himself
    Minneapolis rapper Sims has a reputation for being the most overtly-political emcee in the hip hop crew, "Doomtree," and a track on his newly-released CD titled Bad Time Zoo takes aim at "progressive" public radio listeners.February 21, 2011
  • Washington: the 'blackest name' in America
    George Washington's name is inseparable from America, and not only from the nation's history. It identifies countless streets, buildings, mountains, bridges, monuments, cities - and people. In a puzzling twist, most of these people are black.February 20, 2011
  • Minnesota bike cops patrol the skyways
    As winter weather chases pedestrians off the sidewalks and indoors, skyway police patrols are a common site - and with six miles of downtown St. Paul skyway to cover, it helps to have wheels.February 19, 2011
  • Nearly mailed puppy paired with new owner
    A Minnesota puppy who escaped a likely deadly trip through the mail is going home with a south Minneapolis woman.February 18, 2011
  • MPR News photos of the week
    This week, Gov. Dayton released his budget plan, a Minneapolis woman's dog won Best in Show at Westminster and Fargo-Moorhead residents began prepping sandbags for spring flooding.February 18, 2011
  • Wealthy Minnesotans react to Gov. Dayton's tax plan
    In his budget address this week, Gov. Mark Dayton asked the state's top earners to help erase a $6.2 billion deficit, but wealthiest five percent of Minnesotans have plenty to say about the governor's proposal to raise taxes on them, and only them.February 18, 2011
  • New owner awaits Guess, the nearly mailed puppy
    The nearly mailed Minnesota puppy named Guess is about to find out who his new owner will be.February 18, 2011
  • Former KARE journalist tries hand at film in 'Cedar Rapids'
    The new movie "Cedar Rapids" is about a naive Midwesterner whose life changes when he is sent to Iowa for an insurance convention. The movie, which opens in Minnesota this weekend, is actually the result of a real life-changing experience on a couch in Minneapolis.February 18, 2011
  • Minnesota Sounds: sole ocean port rumbles with cargo, air horns
    Duluthians barely notice the deafening whistles and fog horn blasts that are part of area shipping, but the boats, and their sounds, remain a big draw for tourists.February 17, 2011
  • Wis. lawmakers flee state to block anti-union bill
    A group of Democratic Wisconsin lawmakers blocked passage of a sweeping anti-union bill Thursday, refusing to show up for a vote and then abruptly leaving the state in an effort to force Republicans to the negotiating table.February 17, 2011
  • Twin Cities man donates kidney to stranger
    A Twin Cities man has donated a kidney to a virtual stranger.February 16, 2011

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