2013 Flood Season

April 2013

Fighting floodwaters is a rite of spring along the Red River of the North; five of the top 10 floods on the Red River have occurred since 2001. Click to read more.

Before and after photos: Home buyouts in Fargo-Moorhead key to flood fight

The cities of Fargo, N.D. and Moorhead, Minn. have purchased and removed hundreds of flood-prone homes along the Red River since the record flood of 2009. As a result, the cities require fewer sandbags and less manpower when fighting floods now. The region is gearing up for another major flood this year.

Red River cities focus on permanent flood protection

Residents of Fargo-Moorhead are cleaning up sandbags and removing temporary levees after the Red River's crest last week. As it turned out, most of that preparation wasn't needed for this year's flood. Both cities are now turning their attention back to building permanent levees and flood walls.

City of Fargo Flood Information | City of Moorhead Flood Information | Interactive Flood Map
Previous Coverage: 2011 Flood

More 2013 Flood Season News

  • In Fargo and elsewhere, flood predicting is tough, despite reams of data

    The apparent false alarm about Red River flooding this year irritated some residents who questioned why the city spent $2 million preparing for the flood that wasn't. And that irritated Fargo Mayor Dennis Walaker, who has sparred with the weather service himself in the past.

  • Red River in Fargo starting to recede

    The Red River in Fargo is beginning to recede. The river peaked early Wednesday at an unofficial mark of 33.32 feet, which is more than 15 feet above flood stage.

  • Why was the Fargo flood forecast off by so much?

    The Red River at Fargo crested today at a little more than 33 feet, about eight feet lower than what the National Weather Service forecast just two weeks ago. The NWS says it will review its forecasting process in the wake of the off-base prediction.

  • As crest passes, attention turns to permanent Fargo flood protection

    As the Red River in Fargo-Moorhead crests Wednesday at levels well-below what was forecast last week, local leaders are turning their attention to permanent flood protection.

  • Photos: Fargo and Moorhead, before and during flooding

    Even though the 2013 Red River flood is not as severe as the National Weather Service initially forecasted, it still made for dramatic images.

  • Red River crest prediction in Fargo drops again

    The National Weather Service on Tuesday lowered the expected peak of the river to 34 feet, down from the 35.5-foot estimate that came out Monday and the 37-foot projection that was issued on Sunday.

  • Photos: Fargo's 'Sandbag Central' volunteers reflect on flood fight

    Certainties are few when it comes to springtime in the Red River Valley. While the rising Red River will make history for latest crest, the official crest forecast for the Red at Fargo-Moorhead is 34 feet -- quite a bit lower than previous forecasts which had prompted flood fighters to stockpile 1.7 million sandbags. More than 8,350 volunteers put in 43,971 hours over 16 days at Fargo's Sandbag Central to churn out those sandbags. Photographer Ann Arbor Miller asked volunteers working at Sandbag Central last week for their insight on flood season. Volunteers wrote their thoughts on an empty sandbag with a black marker.

  • Fargo flood crest prediction lowered again

    The National Weather Service on Monday lowered the expected crest forecast in Fargo and Moorhead, Minn., to 35.5 feet on Wednesday. That's down from the 37-foot prediction issued Sunday.

  • Flood-weary Fargo, ND, lobbies for permanent fix

    With the region finally thawing out from another unusually snowy winter and the river again rising, local leaders are using this year's communitywide campaign to build support for a 36-mile canal that would steer the floodwater around Fargo and neighboring Moorhead, Minn., and fix the area's nagging problem once and for all.

  • Levees going up in Fargo to protect from flood waters

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers spent the day Saturday building levees in Fargo to protect against the rising Red River.

  • Sandbag walls rise in Fargo ahead of Red River's crest

    In what's almost become a city-wide tradition, Fargo residents went about building sandbag defenses on Friday to hold back the rising Red River.

  • Red River flood crest forecast: slight relief

    Fargo Mayor Dennis Walaker said after talks this morning with the National Weather Service, a Red River flood crest forecast of 37 to 38 feet is not a shot in the dark. That may signal another slight reduction in the crest estimates that have been dropping over the past week.

  • Fargo downsizes Red River flood fight after revised forecast

    After a revised forecast, Fargo is downsizing efforts to fight. Red River flooding. The revision from the National Weather Service on Wednesday means fewer sandbags will be needed to prepare for a river crest expected late next week.

  • Late melt helping reduce Fargo-Moorhead flood risk

    Conditions in the Red River Valley indicate the communities might be facing a reduced flood risk. The late spring melt could actually be improving the flood outlook.

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