Ampere Quartet (Paul Watkins, Sam Richman, Louisa Byron, Eliot Johnson)
(Saint Paul, MN)

from Artaria Chamber Music School, performing Op. 76 No. 4 "Sunrise" Mvmt. 1 composed by Franz Joseph Haydn.

Artistic Statement

All four of us have one thing in common: our love for beautiful music, which extends naturally to performing it. As a quartet, we feel we have the responsibility to make this music as beautiful as possible, and so as we rehearse a piece, we constantly strive to look for ways in which the music could be beautified. Ways the composer intended, ways our colleagues and ensembles we admire perform them, and new ways we champion. Combine this with the intimate nature of a string quartet, the massive and awesome repertoire of works, and the intensive environment we play in, and one will arrive at the reason we love performing chamber music, and the values the Ampere Quartet upholds throughout every rehearsal.

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